cindyl57 20 years, 8 months ago

Deborah, Thank you so much for your prayers and great thoughts. I will continue to pray that you find your way to this surgery. I am recovering nicely. On Monday I will get my staples out. A pair of Angel wings to fly you on your way. Cindy

Deborah A. 21 years, 8 months ago

Sorry I haven't wrote before now, I have been really busy. I went and seen my pcp on the 15th of October and he made the appointment right then to see the surgeon. They got me in the NEXT day! I was really supprised. Anyways I did see the surgeon yesterday the 16th and everything went well. He had me watch a video to explain the procedure and then he talked to me and allowed me to ask him questions. Afterwards he gave me an examination, (rectal and all). Didn't like that part, but I guess it's part of what has to take place. He seemed like a very nice man, very polite and answered all my questions. All I could think of at the moment, (had a hundred more after I left his He said they would submit my request to the insurance and that would be all that we would need to do for now. He sees no reason why they won't cover the surgery. All I do now is wait. He said anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks before we might hear anything. The only problem is , he will not perform the RNY, he said he has performed that surgery since 1978 and had too many complications from it and that he will not do it. He only does the VBG, which after watching the video on it, I don't think I would want the RNY. It seems too risky and scary. And any bar iatric surgery you have, you have to exercise some kind of discipline. Matter of fact there was a woman there that had the RNY and she was back to have the VBG. With the RNY she had only lost around 80 lbs and had too many problems with it. I think it had been a few years since she had the first surgery and she look to weight about 350 lbs if not more. Anyways that's the jest of it. I thought I would let you know that I'm just waiting now for approval from my insurance and then we will work on a date if I am approved.So lets keep our fingers crossed. I will post more as soon as I hear something.

Deborah A. 21 years, 8 months ago

Dayna B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Deborah, as a fellow OKC girl, I'd like to be your angel. I'm here for you in any case. Good luck on your journey. Keep us posted.
About Me
Oklahoma City, OK
Sep 01, 2002
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