Sheryl M. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Ann: I really feel for you. I have a ruptured disk in my L5s1 and atleast 2 herniated disks. I have deginerated disk and joint desiese and ostioauthritis in every major joint in my body.I am 4 months post op now from Open Rny surgery. I have lost 68 lbs and 5 cloathing sizes now. I feel better than I have in 10 years plus. I was wheelchair bound for 6 years just 2 months a go. I am walking 20 min a day and a 30 min sitdown exercise vide0. How is that for progress? Please feel free to write me on my surgery page and I will answer you soon. Sheryl Open Rny July 22, 2002 516/453/385/160

Janice G. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Ann! I just read your profile and it is a true source of inspiration to me. To see you fight the good fight and come out triumphant does my soul good. I am SOooo happy for you, congratulations and thanks for a fine example. My surgery is on July 11th.

RODEO CLOWNS S. 21 years, 11 months ago

ANN, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you a second successful year. You have done a wonderful job with the first year. My first year anniv. will be here soon too. I have lost 95 lbs, I have quit taking almost all of my meds. I no longer give myself 5 shots of insullin a day or take any pills for it. Plus lots of other meds I have been able to discard. I feel like a different person, I can do so much that I could not do before. Again, I want to say how much I admire your success. Keep it up!!!!!

Ann A. 21 years, 11 months ago

Well as of yesterday im One year Post op. WOW, What a difference one year makes in our lives. I sat and reflected a little on my last year yesterday. I must admit there was a little crying and alot of thoughts that went through my head. I am down from 276lbs to now 162lbs so 114lbs gone forever! Its funny, because a year ago, I would have never believed how much my life could or would change. I can do things now I would have never even considered doing before. We are leaving Friday to go to Six Flags in Ohio to be able to ride a ride with my 8yr old daughter, will I know be one of my highlights in my life. I will admit I am only human and wish that I could lose the other 20lbs that I wanted to lose by now. I havent had the tummy tuck yet, and the loose skin drives me nuts LoL.I didnt want to have another surgery this year, after two last year. I wanted to enjoy my new found freedom. I am looking for some information on a good plastic surgeon in my area, and hope that maybe some one on Amos can help or guide me to the right one. Im looking for one in the Toledo or Cleveland area. But back to my life now. I was one of the very lucky ones, I had no complications, no bad side effects, I can eat pretty much what I want, and I try very hard to stay focused and on the right track. I gave up any kinda of soda, or pop. I drink water, or de-caf Coffee and thats it. I also gave up bread. I get enough carbs without adding that to it.I really have become laxed about exercising now that im back to work, but am trying to get back on track with my exercise program. This surgery wasnt a cure all to all the problems I believed it would be, I think some of us go into thinking it will change everything, but I must admit its given me a chance to become everything I want to be, and am willing to work for.That in its self is a blessing from God. I thank everyone that has supported me, and My mother , my husband and my daughter who have stood by me, and made my journey only that much better. And last but not least, GOD, who gave me the strength and wisdom to make this decision and who has guided me through it everyday. Thankyou to everyone here, for always remembering the ones that need a helping hand or a kind word. Keep the good fight going. God Bless, and know that everyday is a new beginning....With all my love...

Cinna G. 21 years, 11 months ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please stop by from time to time to update your profile. Others enjoy following wls journeys. You never know who you might inspire. Have a gret day.

Ju Ju P. 21 years, 11 months ago

Great news on your upcoming one year anniversary. I bet you are feeling and looking great. I pray you will continue to do well.

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Ann, congratulations on joining the century club! You are doing just awesome! I'm sooo happy for you!

Tonna N. 22 years, 2 months ago

Congrats on your success so far, just one question, who is Vitoria Bowen, and how can I get her book??? You made her recipes sound so good, I can't wait to try them. Having my surgery in 2 weeks and am already trying to find recipes I can make for me and my family that won't make them all feel like their eatting "special" foods like me. Thanks for any info you can give me and Congrats again.

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years, 3 months ago

I wish you all the best on your upcoming surgery. You are giving yourself the ultimate gift, the gift of LIFE!!!

Susan T. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi Ann! My friend is going through all the ins. crud right at the moment. I was looking for info and read your story! GOD FINALLY BLESSED YOUR HARD HARD WORK! Thanks for giving us all hope! I am glad you are safely on the other side with those of us lucky post ops! Remember the first month is the toughest! You will do wonderful and thanks for encouraging all who still wait! HUGS Susan TenBrook Ark.
About Me
McClure, Oh
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2000
Member Since
