kylakae 21 years ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Stacy! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

A J. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi there! Well, it has been a while since my last message to you but I read your profile for the latest news and info on your WLS progress, and WOW!! You are doing really great! 36 pounds in just one month!!! That is just soooooo AWESOME!! Keep up the good work! Hope you meet your 6 month goal too! Take Care...

A J. 22 years ago

Just had to let you know I am thinking about you! I hope you are doing well, and feeling better with each day that passes! Im keepin ya in my prayers! (((hugs)))

Nina S. 22 years ago

Stacy- Well, you have everything to loose from here on out. :o) I will be praying for your quick recovery. Best Wishes Nina-

Jeanne C. 22 years ago

Stacy...all the best tomorrow...the first day of our new lives... Jeanne

Ellen H. 22 years ago

Stacy...Just a short note to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as you prepare for your upcoming life-changing surgery date. Please take good care of yourself and keep us updated as to your progress.

L. Brown 22 years ago

Stacy, Sending lots of warm wishes and prayers your way for an uneventful surgery and a pain-free recovery. Soon you will be a big LOSER! {{{HUGS}}}

A J. 22 years ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! WAAAA Hooo!!! LOL It has been a process getting to this point, but you are almost on the other side. You are in my prayers as are your family and surgeon. One thing I want to say is that God hears ALL prayers even if you only tend to use them in times of need. (you silly girl) He is faithful and more loyal than any of us regular people can comprehend! So I will pary as will many others, and you do the same OK? He will hear you!! I know it! Also, I can't wait to hear how well you are doing after, so I hope you have someone who can post for you or that you can post within at least a few weeks of getting back home. Hugs.

Cathy W. 22 years ago

I wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming surgery, I hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Cathy Whitmer

piperkc 22 years ago

Hi Stacy May you always have an Angel by your side. Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Have a safe journey to the other side and a speedy recovery Angela in Canada Post-op 479 BMI 75 Dr Michael Grace Life began May 16, 2002 London Health Sciences Center I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Surely..I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5
About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2001
Member Since
