swangirl 18 years, 2 months ago

Congratulatons on your success and best wishes in the future!

Desiree R. 18 years, 12 months ago

Weigh to go! Just saw your photo in the gallery. Congratulations on your success! You've done excellent! Desiree 3/13/05 WLS

kylakae 21 years, 4 months ago

Di, thank you so much for updating your picture. The before and after pictures are so inspirational and yours is no exception! You look fabulous! Congratulations on your awesome weight loss!

BECKY H. 21 years, 5 months ago

I'm eight weeks post op from an open gastric by-pass surgery performed by the amazing Harry Meyes (Carrollton, TX). The day of surgery my weight was 287 and wore a size 26; today I'm at 255 and wearing a size 22. My husband and I (married only five short years) are amazed every day --- he calls me the 'incredable shrinking woman' --- how God has richly blessed our lives since this wonderful procedure. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy but well worth all the problems. I'm still adjusting to the new eating habits and will be visiting with a psychologist today for the first time to help me battle and beat HEAD HUNGER! I've had a few bouts of 'dumping' and have learned valuable lessons. Never have I dumped from eating the same thing twice. Once is enough for me!!!! I'm looking forward to a wonderful life - a life I've only dreamed of for over 50 years!

Di B. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi! I saw your profile on Obesity Help and I see that you live in the same area as I do ... MIAMI :-) I had gastric bypass surgery (lap) on June 4th I have lost 35 pounds in 3 weeks. I have met a few people off this site that live in our area and we have become great friends. I wanted to invite you to join a group I started on Yahoo called Gastric_Bypass_Family. It is a smaller group and we laugh, cry, motivate, encourage and vent together. Post pre-op and post-op questions that you would like answered., ask or offer help with before and after care, share photos. We are organizing a get-together here in Miami. We will share stories, receipts, information on doctors here in Miami and other information such as letter of necessity (for those trying to get approved) and ect. I really hope you join our family. Please click on the link below and join our family!! ~Di~ <center> <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Gastric_Bypass_Family/join"> <img src="http://groups.yahoo.com/img/ui/join.gif" border=0><br> Click to subscribe to Gastric_Bypass_Family</a> </center>

Tanya F. 22 years ago

Diane, Congratulations on being a new member of the Losin club. You are officially now a Loser, but on the winning side, mine you! I am glad everything has been going well for you and sorry to hear you are having some problems with gas. I hope things get better for you soon. On July 15th I join the club with you! Take care of you,

Susan H. 22 years ago

YOU GO GIRLFRIEND!!!! I knew you would breeze through this surgery. You're my inspiration for my upcoming surgery. Love ya.

Di B. 22 years ago

It is so nice to be home! Thank you for the warm wishes and prayers! Muwahhh! A special thank you to Susan and Farah, you are the best. ~Diane~

Susan H. 22 years ago

I went to visit Diane at the hosptital last night. She is doing FANTASTIC. I was so proud of her. She had already walked once earlier in the day with the PT. When I got there I got her to drink some beef broth, which seemed to go down really well for her. We then took another walk, she came back and rested a few minutes, sipped on some more broth and went for another walk. What a trooper! She's wonderful and such an encouragement for my upcoming surgery. This morning she was feeling kinda rough and had thrown up once. I'm sure she'll do better later in the day. I just think she might have overdone it a bit last night. I'll talk to her later on and keep you all posted. She'll probably be coming home from the hospital tomorrow.

Ellen H. 22 years ago

Hi Diane. So, how was the genius Dr. Gonzalez? His usual brilliant surgical self I am sure. Glad to hear it you made through surgery. Please take good care of yourself and keep us updated as to your progress. Congratulations, you big loser!
About Me
Miami, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 17, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
