William B. Inabnet III

"After thinking about getting this surgery for over a year, I decided that I would go see a surgeon to see what it was all about, in addition to the research that I had done. I didn't have to wait long at all. I first met with his assistants, Rodilyn and Robin - thank God for them! Then I met with Dr. Inabnet. He was very positive about me having this surgery and felt that it would work for me. He explained the risks, even death, which scared me but I knew it was a possibility. I had numerous questions, such as getting pregnant, because I am only 21, in the future. He assured me that I would be able to have a healthy baby. This was my biggest concern. He also went over the different types of surgeries he did and I decided on Laproscopic Gastric Bypass. The aftercare program has been very good. If I have any questions they are right there to answer them. I will be seeing him every year from now on. They are very attentive and kind. I love the staff and my surgeon and wouldn't have chosen anyone else. He is very soft spoken but it really calms you in the consultation and before surgery. He is very considerate and thoughtful. I totally recommend him. "
About Me
New York, NY
Sep 13, 2002
Member Since
