Frvsnt O. 20 years, 2 months ago

Happy Re-birthday to you!!! I found this quote and just love it! When running up a hill, it’s alright to give up as many times as you wish – as long as your feet keep moving. By - Shoma Morita M.D. I can only imagine that your year has been wonderful. Full of changes and new experiences. I can hardly wait to see what I look like and feel like one year out!!! Congratulations to YOU!!! RNY 10/31/03 down 85 pounds!!!

MommaAngel 20 years, 6 months ago

HI MARCIA Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Marcia B. 20 years, 6 months ago

hey everyone! 8 mos. out and down 105 lbs! I've been lazy about not being at this site cos I've been out enjoying LIFE! Oh, God! I'm a different person! I feel good like, all the time! Shopping is a joy! I've gotten back to socializing again! I had a xXmas party over the weekend and a few friends had'nt seen me since before the surgery and could'nt believe their eyes! They say i got my old sparkle back! what was really crazy was last month I saw a lady I know and I hollered out to her. She was a bit of a ways from me, and said hello very sweetly while walking towards me. When she got close, she squealed out! Oh girl- I did'nt even know who you were! and gave me a big old hug! She asked me what my secret was to the weight loss was and I told her. Now she's gettin my older clothes! People say I look quite a bit different. I can really see it in my face- the only bummer is now I got a waddle! But ya know, now that I think about it- it gives me character! I just want to do all kinds of things now- I've got tons of energy and now look forward to each and every day! Love MArcia

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 9 months ago

<b>~*~I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.~*~Hugs~*~</b>

Marcia B. 20 years, 9 months ago

Hello! I have been out enjoying life! I feel great!!!! Down now to 225! I'm goin crazy over the clothes thing! LOL! Gettin rid of and gettin new ones and takin in others! It's wonderful! My sister says that she notices that I am shopping diffferently. It was a trip getting into more fitting clothes! It took me two weeks to realize that I did'nt look like a stuffed sausage in this cute denium dress. Now it's gettin loose! Still no insulin or blood pressure meds! My husband thinks I'm even sexier now! He thought so at 315! It's an attitude! LOL I love it that I can cross my legs- gosh, all kinds of stuff! I don't feel as self concious as I did before. My mother is estatic for me. Well that's it fer now , Be back soon!

Marcia B. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hey!!! so fsar so good! Yesterday at the PCP, i weighed in at 250!!!!! WOOOWOOOOOO! I can say now : I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE SCALE!!!!!! I feel SOOOOO good! I have gotten medical clearance to go ahead with my exercise program at Bally's. I started yesterday and it felt so good to move! I cannot believe that I was on the bike for 15 minutes without stopping! Then today I went in for a full half hour! This is one happy camper. I see Dr. Meilahn today. No problems for the most part. I did have some BBQ over the holiday and I paid for it. Took me a day to get my act together. I went to the Support group meeting at Temple. And I finally met the Most Fab-u-lous Jean G!!!!!! Girl, ya got it goin on! Also- I can't wait to see Jean, Nancy and Sherry again next week! You guys are in a word AWESOME! Now this is for Carla- I' said I was gonna call you out! Here it is!!!!! I had a wonderful time with you yesterday and I hope you checked out this website! I'm gonna call you!!!!! And like I said Call me ANYTIME to chat. Just know that YOU are a strong and beautiful woman and you deserve the best that life has to offer! JUst know whatever your decision- I'm in yer corner! That's it for now! Marcia

Marcia B. 21 years ago

I guess this is a semi update! I just wanna shout out about how good I feel! I'm down 40 lbs. and everyone is noticing that I'm losing! They're complementing my 'new' clothing! I explained to them that these are clothes that I had bought awhile back, but could'nt fit into. I have SO much energy. My God! I'm even doing Spring cleaning! No blood pressure meds. or insulin ! I went from like 25 pills daily to about 6 or 7! I thank God and Dr. Meilahn for giving me my life back! I mean just even 'silly' things! Like my rings are looser , my belly doe'snt stick to the toilet when I sit! I'm getting less and less worried about fitting into a booth. I don't feel as self concious as much. Me and my gurleens went to breakfast and a movie yesterday. Caught The Matrix. Did'nt have to worry about squeezing into the seat! I am SOOO blessed AND thankful.And just think- it's only gonna get better!

Marcia B. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hello All! Officially it was one monthe yesterday that I had surgeryWWWOWWWWWWooooooo! So far 30 ponds down and most of the time I feel pretty good :-) My PCP did a blood panel and everything looks good. I just hate this damned g tube! It comes out MAy 16th! Thank God!!! My only problem now is that I have trub getting in all ny liquids. and Lord knows I'm dry as a daggone bone. That part sux. That's it for now!!!!

Marcia B. 21 years, 2 months ago

Hey Everybody! I want to shout it from the mountaintops!!!! I BROKE ON THRU TO THE OTHER SIDE!!!!! Already it has been 2 weeks since surgery! Can't beleive I'm here! I'm sorry it took me so long to get back ! But I been bizzy! LOL Let's see.... First out of alla my angels, Stephan forgot to post!Here goe: The short version: Went into Temple on the 7th. Surgery at about 10:30. Had to have a heart catherter (sp) put in because of my problems- that crap hurt!. Next thing I know, I'm wakin up and somebody's tellin me that they're gonna take the tube outta my throat. I am in recovery and I see Mom and Stephan and I am very happy! The next thing I know I'm seein them again- in ICU.... Did somebody put my stockings on ???? Yep ,don't know when they did it but those suckers are on. Somebody tells me that I got a call from Tulsa, Oklahoma....Next thing I know, The bed's movin and they're tellin me to sit up and THIS IS THE BUTTON FOR PAIN....The bed turned into a chair! ... Next day , no more alert (to myself) But I did ask for and get my lipstick. Stephan and ma and Ann came up. Vaguely remember seeing things moving on the wall, then back to Demeroldreamland! No problems til I went to get the leak test...All I can remember saying is NO NO NO and WAIT WAIT WAIT! (That pain, my friend, kicked my butt) But then who cared when I got back to the room....Actually I don't remember getting back there! Alls I know is the the pain button WORKED!!! The next few days were finer and I was moved into a room with a lovely roomate, Miss MAry- God Bless her 82 year old self! What did't hurt was the residents under Dr. Meilahn. Miss Dove, Brian, Devon, Matt and Justin- those guys were just wayyyy too cute! Got myself a hug and squeeze on the way out!They remind me of a real cute boy band! LOL They cut me loose on Saturday and I've been rollin ever since! I've got 2 more visits from the home nurse. Mom stayed with me for the week. God bless her....She got me a toilet seat lift and a shower chair, abdominal binder, dressings and all that other stuff. Did'nt need the chair. The lift is cool and I like the binder- holds my stuff! Went to Dr. Meilahn on Friday. I've lost 23 lbs! Checked my blood. I'm doin good. Don't see him for a month.... Only problem is keeping my blood sugar levels up. Before surgery, I was taking 50 units of insulin in the a.m. and 40 at night. Now!!!!! I ain't touched a needle since 2 Sundays ago!!! WOOWOOOWOOO! DUH DEPT..... I was really dehydrated. I thought I was to have only the 10cc per hour and nothing else.... Dr. Meilahn says to me ' Did'nt you remember what I told you about drinking water and other clear liquids so you won't get dry? I said I musta been in LaLa LAnd! So I gotta get in at least 40 oz daily. Woo! Thats it for now!!!!! Thank you family for helping me thru this! Love MArcia

Jean G. 21 years, 2 months ago

Hi there girlfriend. Ok so I'm a day late - but you were in my thoughts the WHOLE day yesterday. I know you did great - and I can't wait to talk to you and hear all about it. Luv ya! Jean
About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Nov 12, 2002
Member Since
