Barix Clinics - Michigan

"All in all, it was an okay experience. I had one nurse who seemed kind of mean to me, but that might have just been all the drugs I was on, lol."

Jon Schram

"I met Dr. Schram. He seems to be a great guy, and I feel comfortable having him do my surgery. He made me completely at ease with what I'm going to do. Ok, for the questions next to this little box I'm typing in, lol: What was your first impression of him/her? I think Dr. Schram is a great guy. He didn't act like any of the questions I was asking were stupid or anything. How did your impression change over time? Well, I've only seen him one time so far, so it hasn't changed yet, lol. How would you describe his/her office staff? The people at BTC-Holland/GrandHaven were all very friendly. What did you like least about him/her? I don't think there was anything not to like. What should future patients know about him/her? That even if he sounds like he's not listening, he is. He answered my mom's questions and mine, even when we both said different things at the same time. How much does he/she emphasize aftercare?I've only been to one meeting so far, so I don't know yet. Does he/she have a structured aftercare program? See above question. He DID suggest a bunch of support groups. How did he/she address the risks of surgery? Very honestly. He told me the risks, the rates and his own personal percentages, as well as the percentages of BTC compared to national rates. How would you rate him/her overall? So far, excellent. Which is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or both great? Surgical competence, definitely, but a good bedside manner is always a bonus. Even if I didn't like his manner, based on performance, this would still be the man to do my surgery. So far my review is 100% positive, but that's only because I've only had one meeting with Dr. Schram. I'm sure eventually I will find a flaw, lol. Disclaimer:This is my own personal opinion. Other may or may not agree with me. :) "
About Me
Elkhart, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
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This is my BEFORE pic.
March 2005 @ Goal :o)
