Lisa R. 23 years ago

Kathy, Good luck with your surgery next week. Your posting about exercising really caught my attention. I need to join you at the gym. I gave up drinking diet coke for 5 months. This approval process is taking so long, I have started drinking diet coke again. I only have one child who is 12, but as a girl scout leader there are days I feel like I have 8. I feel like I am letting them all down because I am not able to do the things they want to like camping, hiking, going places. But they better watch out, because a year from now, they won't be able to slow me down. Again, hope you have a speedy recovery. I'll say a prayer for you. Lisa Robinson

Karla P. 23 years ago

Dear Kathy I just read your post and wanted to congradulate you! Praise God for never leaving you even when you were begining to get discouraged. I too had a set back and stressed myself out trying to carry the burden myself and trying to press on and move things faster. You know not until I stopped and said ok God it is yours what ever you want for me. And you know what everything feel into place for me as well. I have my pre-op appt tomorrow and surgery June 6th. I was just telling someone today that God never closes a door without opening a window. And if we stare at that door so long try to do it our way we may not see the window open and waiting for us. I am so happy things finally worked out for you I know how frusterating the waiting can be. God Bless Karla

April B. 23 years, 2 months ago

I just wanted to say keep up your courageous fight. I know that you will soon be on the other side and ready to begin a whole new life. It is an awesome thing and privilege to have such an opportunity. May God richly bless your efforts. April Bolejack
About Me
Richmond, VA
Jan 23, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
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I can't believe this is me
25 more lbs to goal
