George Zorn, III

"Dr. Zorn was a very nice man. I am glad that he is going to be my surgeon. I didn't have a lot of time with him because he was about 1-1/2 hours behind schedule (stuck in surgery). However, he did take the time to explain everything to me and to answer all of my questions. We did not discuss aftercare except that I would be seen in Bakersfield. He did discuss how I would have to stay in San Diego for almost a week so he can see me post-op in his office. He explained that if he or the assistant surgeon feels that there is something that just isn't quite "right" in the lap procedure then they will open me up. He said they will need to be absolutely sure that everything is OK, if not, it's an open surgery."
About Me
Bakersfield, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2001
Member Since
