Cinna G. 22 years ago

Happy TWO Year Anniversary to You. I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please visit your profile from time to time to post an update. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

Evelyn B. 23 years, 11 months ago

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who prayed and wished me well. Thanks particularly to Diane N. (Buffalo Babe) who was such a sweet angel. I fell great, and all is going VERY well! (surgery was 6-12-00)

Evelyn B. 23 years, 11 months ago

M B. 24 years ago

AVE (you will always be Ave to me), Congrats on having surgery and welcome to the other side!! I haven't been in the chat room latlely to know you were doing this, but I am sooo happy for you! I know you have been waiting and working towards this for a long time- Hi to Jared too!! Tell him I am playing soccer with my daughter (he met her in the chat one night- remember) and she is very happy I am down 68 lbs- he will be thrilled for you too! Take care and know I am thinking and praying!!

BBD 24 years ago

Hey eric ive been busy will try to get thru to judith in a few minutes. thanks for the email. and thanks for giving me something to do. loving it. Buffalobabe Diane

Mary F. 24 years ago

Hi Evelyn, Best of luck on your surgery. I am two weeks post-op and feeling remarkably well...I've lost 25 pounds so far! I'll be thinking of you.

Mary ann K. 24 years ago

Dear Evelyn, May God protect you and guide your surgeon. Prayers and Hugs, Mar

Gayle G. 24 years ago

Good luck today Evelyn. You are in my thoughts and prayers. gayle
About Me
Amherst, MA
Nov 24, 1999
Member Since
