Vista Medical Center

"The hospital was small and very clean and crisp, the colors are great. The place is really clean (that is what I look at) small and close to everything you might need ( or your family). The nurses are trained in this type of surgery so they were very informative and very, very understanding. So nice and pleasant. Very nice I can not begin to speak so highly of them. Every single nurse on staff was excellent. Not once did I receive an attitude from anyone. They were very prompt in retrieving any thing I needed wheter it be pain reliever or just ice in my water. They were excellent."

Thirumalairaj Jayakumar

"11/21/01 **UPDATE** I had my first appt w/ Dr J today. He was very nice and friendly. He explained everything in detail. Answered any and all questions I had. His office was very nice and friendly. They had told me I would have a long wait because they were double booking me. Honestly I did not wait at all. They have a great aftercare program, Support meetings. This is very important. Which he emphasizes! He was completely honest with the mortality rate. He was honestly that great.They were very, very good. I was very pleased and feeling confident when I left his office. I am honestly sure that I have chosen the right doctor. *Read above for appt in detail* "
About Me
Houston, Tx
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2001
Member Since
