Phillip G Alston

"I was scared to death my first appointment, but Dr. Alston put me totally at ease. I learned that he was a very caring person, & truely was there to help me. His staff was just as caring and very helpful, always trying to do their best to answer all questions & make me feel like I was making the right decision. Remember when you first go in, and Dr. Alston tells you that you first must go home and LOSE weight to show your genuine interest. Well I followed a diet plan that was given to me, but I GAINED weight instead of losing. I was scared to death that he would refuse to do my surgery because of that. I followed the diet to the letter, I was prepared for his refusal & had even thought about suicide. I told him about my fears, and he put them all to rest. He said he knew I was sincere in wanting to lose weight. He expects you to read the phamplets, and to follow the diet and aftercare program. He will tell you about all the failed surgeries, and the risk of death during surgery, everything that will probably make you wonder if you are doing the right thing or not. I cant say enough good about Dr. Alston, when I see him for checkups....I call him my "white knight" he rescued me on that Oct. day in 1994. Let me add, that my spouse was NOT supportive of me having the surgery, I almost did not make my appointment for surgery that early morning. When I got to the hospital, I told Dr. Alston about my trip to hospital that morning, I told him, the only reason I am here is cause I'd rather die on surgery table than to stay in bad marriage, I felt only way out was to lose weight, so that I could get a job (no one would hire a 450lb person) HE took my hand, and we said a prayer before surgery.....I love him for that, today I am divorced living alone, but very happy.THANKS DR. ALSTON!"
About Me
Memphis, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2002
Member Since
