jackie_h1 21 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I wish you the BEST and my thoughts and prayers are with you as you make this life change. Hope you have a wonderful surgical experience and speedy complication free recovery! Your soon to be a BIG LOSER!! Hugs and Blessing from a Michigan WLS sister~ (wls 2/8/02 -119# from 369 to 250)

Diane C. 21 years, 10 months ago

I just wanted to drop you a note and say good luck on your surgery. I had the same procedure you are having and I am absolutely thrilled beyond belief!. I think the duodenal switch is by far the best surgery out there. I just read a study that was done on long term success of this procedure over the Roux-en-Y. They studied patients who had the procedure over the last 18 years and only one person had any significant weight gain, and even that was only 30lbs. The Roux had a 60% success rate for long term maintenance. They also did a controlled study on calorie absorption. Duodenal people were fed a 3400/day calorie diet over several days and their out put was tested (calories in minus calories pooped) and it was found that on average, they absorbed 58% of their intake. As long as we take our vitamins, there aren't many cases of deficiencies either. Well I'm getting a bit long winded here. I can't help it, I'm just so happy I want to talk about it all the time. Best of luck to you! Remember, the post-op recovery sucks but it is soooooooo worth it! Diane Cooper

MommaAngel 21 years, 11 months ago

HI LA VERNE I just want you to know that I am praying that you will have a quick and smooth recovery to the losing side. LORD BLESS

Becca K. 21 years, 11 months ago

" I know, O LORD of LOVE and LIGHT, about the need. Touch my heart anew with your DIVINE LOVE and LIGHT that I too may receive and give, sending your healing touch to others in need. I invoke your DIVINE LOVE and LIGHT towards Excellent Health, Loving Relationships, Right Livelihood and Right Alignment with my and soul's purpose. I wish to align myself with ALL THAT IS, my own I AM PRESENCE. I now open myself to receive your gifts and with your DIVINE GUIDANCE I will give to others and give thanks for the SPIRITUAL ABUNDANCE in my Life." SO BE IT, IT IS SO.
About Me
Kingston, TN
Surgery Date
May 29, 2002
Member Since
