Eric Thoburn

"May 15/02 Dr. Thoburn was a very nice, to the point younger man. He didn't beat around the bush or candy coat anything. He told me like it is. I'm that kind of person also, so I appreciated that in him. He has very knowledgable, friendly office staff, but they move a bit slower than I would like. Just from my own personal research and speaking with patients in his office, I feel he is very competent and one of the best in the biz. The lady from my insurance medical review board said Thoburn is the best in Florida. I will update after my next pre-op visit. July 16/02 Had last pre-op appointment to go over test results. It's a go! The more I see of Dr. Thoburn, the more I like him. He did explain the surgery isn't a cure all, I have to do my part and there are risks with this surgery. But, I feel very confident being in his care. FYI - When I was at the hospital doing the pre-op tests, ALL the nurses ranted and raved over how great Dr. Thoburn is. That really made me feel good about being under his care. I also think his aftercare program is wonderful. I will be following up with them for 18 months. "
About Me
Baldwin, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2002
Member Since
