CarolineAnnMartin 19 years, 4 months ago

Hi Nadine!!!! Just thought I'd "pop" in and wave a BIG hi your way! Any chance you might be attending OH's conference in NJ May 20th through 22nd? I am now in PA (not too far from Phili) and will definately be going to the conference :) I'd SOOOOOO love the opportunity to meet you in person! You've always been such an incredible inspiration to me! Lots of hugs and hoping this finds you well! :) Caroline

CarolineAnnMartin 19 years, 4 months ago

Hi Nadine!!!! Just thought I'd "pop" in and wave a BIG hi your way! Any chance you might be attending OH's conference in NJ May 20th through 22nd? I am now in PA (not too far from Phili) and will definately be going to the conference :) I'd SOOOOOO love the opportunity to meet you in person! You've always been such an incredible inspiration to me! Lots of hugs and hoping this finds you well! :) Caroline

DEBBIE DICKSON 19 years, 6 months ago

Naes, I read your Profile WOW you go girl. When I grow up can I be like you? I pray that the Lord will see fit to allow me to have my surgery as well. I didn't see anymore updates there is that because you have no more space there. I Love reading profiles and reading about how others are progressing in their journey's. I can't wait till you update yours. Hugs

Diane M. 19 years, 7 months ago

Naes, I jsut read the post that you had made for me some time back. I don't know why I haven't been checking my messages but.... I appreciate your prayers. I believe those of us who are Christians have an obligation to pray for one another. I have added you to my prayer list too. I just underwent another plastic surgery on Dec. 23 and am recovering. I hope all is well with you.

CarolineAnnMartin 19 years, 8 months ago

Hi Nadine!!!!!! Just wanted to say how happy I am for you that your TT is done and you are well on the road to recovery!!!!!!!! Always keeping you in my best thoughts and prayers!!!! :) Caroline

Naes Wls J. 19 years, 9 months ago

<b>Thank you so much Carloline, You and everyone are so kind. I've been floating around on OH. Never keeping still. It's so nice when someone remembers you. I am preparing for Oct 19th. everything is in place. and now I just wait for the date. LOL to keep busy I continue to do my research. It feels just like going for my wls. I'm so ready. God Bless, and hang in there. Y'all have given great support, thanks, **Hugs**</b>

Christina J 19 years, 9 months ago

Ms. Nadine!!!! You are such a lovely lady and I hope your surgery goes well. I really miss your words and appreciate all you have done for me during our journey. Have a great day and God bless you! HUGS, Christina

CarolineAnnMartin 19 years, 9 months ago

Hi Nadine!!!! OMG!!!! PS on 10/19/04????? I am soooo happy for you hon :) Thank you for having been such an awesome inspiration to me since I started researching WLS!!!!! Everyone, please join me in wishing Nadine the absolute best as she begins this next step in her journey!!!! Nadine is such an amazing support to so many here within OH... It's the LEAST we can do to flood her surgery support page with all the best thoughts, wishes and prayers we can offer!!!! Hugs :) Caroline

CarolineAnnMartin 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Nadine!!!! Just thought I'd check in and visit your profile as you were (and are still) one of my heros that helped me start my own journey! I sure hope this finds you well, and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you head into this next step in your journey with the reconstructive surgery! Sending hugs and love, Caroline

njminga 19 years, 11 months ago

Nadine, Thank you for your well wishes and congratulations on all of your success! God Bless, Michelle
About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
<b>one awful pics of me in 1999~*~My Top wt at my wls day 12/6/02 was 400 lbs</b>
<b>380 lbslbs
<b>all my wt is in my boobs and tummy plastic surgery date 10/19th/04
<b>200 lbslbs
