Becky H. 21 years, 11 months ago

Samantha, just a couple more weeks! I'll be thinking of you as your big day approaches. Good luck!

Sunny4x4chick 22 years ago

Congrats on your decision for WLS, my surgery date is the same as yours and also live in Ohio. Good luck and well wishes to you!

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years ago

I wish you all the very best on your upcoming surgery. May all the "SURGERY ANGELS" swoop down to surround you and protect you. YOU CAN DO IT. GET READY FOR THE MIRACLE OF WLS TO BEGIN!!!!!!!

Sharon Neva 22 years ago

SAMANTHA~~BEST WISHES ON YOUR WLS JOURNEY~~Dream what you want to dream. Go where you want to go. Be what you want to be because you have only one life and only one chance to do all the things you want to!! Ya~Ya Queen Whispering Thunder

Davitt H. 22 years ago

Hope all goes well and you have a complication free recovery!

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years ago

HI!!! Congratulations to you on your upcoming surgery. I know it seems like a long wait, but take this time to START!!!! START WATER, START PROTEIN, START WALKING, START EXERCISING. Get started now and recovery will be so much easier. I wish you all the very best and hope you do well.

Lora B. 22 years ago

Hi Samantha,congratulations on your upcoming surgery!1May the Lord bring you through with no complications and a speedy recovery,God bless you,LOL,Love in Christ.

Rita P. 22 years ago

Congratulations on your surgery date. I am very excited for you and am glad you have decided to join our happy (most of the time) family. May your days be blessed and everything run smoothly for you in the days ahead. Sincerely Rita Parris

MommaAngel 22 years ago

HI SAMANTHA I just want you to know that I am praying that you will have a quick and smooth recovery to the losing side. LORD BLESS

LORRAINE K. 22 years ago

Dear Samantha~~~CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your upcoming WLS; it is truly a life altering, life affirming process and I wish you the very best of all of it. May God watch over you and inspire your surgeon to do great things for you. I pray that your procedure is uneventful and your recovery complete. Be well, be blessed.
About Me
Stow, OH
Surgery Date
May 01, 2001
Member Since
