Laurence Tanaka

"When I first met Dr. Tanaka in May 2002, he was funny and nice and eager to answer any questions you might have. I then had my consultation with him on Friday the 4th of October and he wasn't as funny as at the seminar but that's okay. He is very professional and he makes sure you don't have any doubts once leaving his office. He is very straight forward and very thorough in his examination and he is very impersonal at first. Once you have the surgery it has been said that he gets to know you and he often checks up on you and he can tell just by looking at you if you've been doing as you've been instructed and if not he WILL scold you. Isn't that what we want in a doctor? He proves himself to you as a professional doctor and you have to prove yourself to him as a responsable patient and then it's like your best friends, or at least that's what I've been told so we'll just have to wait and see, and pray I'm the responsable patient he approves of. They are very strict with the aftercare and they expect you to have all your protein's and vitamins with you the day you show up for the surgery. I wanted one of the best surgeon's for this procedure and I believe that's what Kaiser has given me the opportunity to have. Thank God for my PCP and my insurance for approving this and acting so fast through out the whole process. It has been less than 6 months and the longest waiting period has been 3 weeks to get Kaiser S. San Francisco to approve Pacific Bariatrics in San Diego."

Marcus Siqueiros

"He is my primary doctor. He is just awesome. I have my whole family seeing him. He is very attentive, he never makes you feel stupid, or rushed. He was very helpful in getting me the right paper work the first time. We did most of my labs the week before I saw him. Everything was done over the phone initially. He was very good at explaining the process to me and what to expect. He is just a fabulous doctor. I recommend him to everyone I know. He even calls me sometimes at 9:00 at night just to make sure I'm still okay and that I need or don't need to see him. That is just too cool."

Marcus Siqueiros

"Dr. siqueiros has been my doctor since 2001. He is a great doctor and he even calls me at 9:00 at night just to see how I'm doing. "
About Me
Salinas, ca
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2001
Member Since
