Gwendolyn A. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi MK, Just wanted to congratulate you on your recent surgery, and wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery. Best Wishes, Gwen Allen

myunicorn48 21 years, 9 months ago

Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy, uneventful recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless...

Sharon Neva 21 years, 9 months ago

MK~~ WISHING YOU A SPEEDY RECOVERY ~~Dream what you want to dream. Go where you want to go. Be what you want to be because you have only one life and only one chance to do all the things you want to!!

Nynese W. 21 years, 9 months ago

Dear MK, May the LIGHT of God surround you, the LOVE of God enfold you, the POWER of God protect you, the PRESENCE of God watch over you -- good thoughts for you with your surgery and recovery....Neci

Moma V. 21 years, 9 months ago

MK, Prayers and hugs for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!

MK F. 21 years, 9 months ago

Well.... only one more day to go. I FINALLY got the all clear from the PCP it was driving me crazy waiting for the results. I had to start taking insulin last week and I was SOOOOOOOO afraid they would postpone. I am looking forward to being through with the surgery itself and gettin on to the adventure part.

Toni A. 21 years, 9 months ago

Well i am also using dr jayakumar for my surgery and i will be at vista medical center. Oct 1 good luck and God speed on your recovery...

MK F. 21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for all the words of support. It really means a lot. I have been struggling for the last couple of weeks. My blood pressure and glucose have been bouncing off the walls and I was afraid it would cause postponment. Met with Dr. J yesterday and he didn't seem as concerned as family dr. The blood pressure is controlled and the sugars are high but stable. So we are go for liftoff on Wednesday. I am anxious of course but also excited. Looking forward to an adventure.

Stephanie S. 21 years, 9 months ago

Howdy, fellow Texan! A few more days to go! I'm so thrilled for you! Peace be with you!

Ron E. 21 years, 9 months ago

Good luck on your coming surgery. My prayers are with you, and hoping for an uneventful surgery, and a speedy, painfree recovery. Keep your focus on healing. Make sure you walk, and keep up your breathing exercise. YOU CAN DO THIS! See you on the other side.
About Me
Katy, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 25, 2002
Member Since
