Robbie F. 19 years, 3 months ago

Good morning all, It has been quite some time since I have updated everyone on my progress. I am doing fine but am extremely busy. I started student teaching 2 classes of 9th graders and 2 classes of 10th graders. This keeps me extremely busy with prep. and grading. I am an English / Literature teacher so there is an enormous amount of reading to be done, hence my lack of communication with you guys. As for post op. I am very excited to report that I am 2 months and 1 week post op and have lost 85 lbs. I suffer no effects from the surgery other than positive ones. I dropeed from a size 52-54 waist to a size 36 (tight but in) waist. I hope all of you are experiencing similar success and health. Good day to you all. I am forever connected to those who have shared this experience as well as those who are still contemplating this very important move towards health. Just do it. You won't regret it. Good day, Robbie Ferguson

Robbie F. 19 years, 5 months ago

I am 3 weeks post op tomorrow, Monday the 9th. I am feeling pretty good. I am looking forward to eating something solid tomorrow. I have experienced the "one bite to many" with my jello. I don't reccommend this. Not only does it hurt but it feels like your going to explode for about a half an hour. YUCKY! I have only done it once and am pretty sure it won't happen again. The old eating habits took over that day and I wasn't listening to my body. I am down to 282 Lbs and in my size 40 waiste. That feels good. I am kinda tired in the evenings. I think it is from a lack of food. The infected scar is healing nicely. The doctor said I had a reaction to the desolvable sutures. Thats the report for today. Good luck to all of you. Robbie

Robbie F. 19 years, 5 months ago

I am exactly 2 weeks post op today. I have lost 25 lbs since the day of surgery and 40 lbs since my quest began. I am feeling pretty good. The cream soups start today so that makes me happy. I can't wait until next week when I can begin the real food. Other than that, life is good. I have a bit of an infection in two of my scars which I am treating with peroxide and keeping them clean. If they don't get better soon I will call my doctor. They are just small spots that I hope I can handle on my own. Everything else is just fine. I will talk to you in a couple of days. Robbie

Robbie F. 19 years, 5 months ago

Happy New Year to all! I am still doing pretty well with everything. I am 12 days post op and have lost somewhere around 22 pounds total since the day of surgery. I am starting to crave some real food though. I am a bit tired of drinking my meals. I must say that the broth was good after 9 days of nothing but water but even that is getting a little old. I want to bite something other than vitamins and tums. I have dropped from 46-48 to 42 waste and those are getting baggy. I just think if I could eat real food this whole thing wouldn't be getting on my nerves so much right now. Anyway, I guess everyday can't be the best day of my life and I guess I am feeling a bit sorry for myself right now. It will pass I am sure. My resolve to stay with my doctors plan is unshakable so there is no doubt I will not fail. Have a great New Year. See you in a couple of days. Robbie

Patticake 19 years, 5 months ago


Robbie F. 19 years, 5 months ago

This is my every other day update. I am doing fabulously. The doctor was extremely happy with my progress yesterday. Of course, I have an appointment for next week. My wounds are almost completely healed. I am experiencing relatively no pain from the surgery. My walking is getting easier (1 mile a day moving up to 2 miles a day soon). I am in heaven with my chicken broth and jello. Its funny because I never thought I would love something so base as these things for meals. I thought I was going to faint with joy during my first cup of broth yesterday. What a great feeling. Even better than though, I have been religiously faithful to the regiment that the doctor has put in place for me. It hasn't always been easy but each day I make it through it is one day closer to the next level of food progression and health and best of all weight lose. I am in great spirits and absolutely see the golden ring at the end of the journey. I am experiencing consistant weight lose and am really happy about that. My doctor's nurse told me to stay of from the scale because the scale is not the true measure of my success. I can feel the lose in the fit in my clothes as well. Anyway, that's my update. See you in a couple of days. Robbie

Dx E 19 years, 5 months ago

Robbie, Glad to hear you are doing so well so quickly. Take it easy these first couple of weeks though. 18 lbs a week? That's great. It does just get easier. Keep up the good work and just walk away from those pounds! Best Wishes- Dx

Robbie F. 19 years, 5 months ago

Today is one week from my surgery. As a matter of fact I was being cut at this very time one week ago. I have been out walking a mile a day at a pretty good pace. Atleast I think it is a good pace. I suppose, All that matters is that I am getting the exercise and it gets my heart rate going. I am looking forward to starting my weight training program. I have lost 33 pounds from my heaviest weight though it is only 18 pounds from the day of operation. The other 15 pounds was lost just before the operation likely due to the stress of waiting for the surgery day. All in all, 33 pounds. I started at 330 and am currently at 297. I am looking forward to getting it all off and as strange as this sounds I am not all that excited about 33 pounds. For some reason I growing impatient and want it all to be gone NOW. Unreasonable I know. My rational mind tells me that 18 pounds in a week is alot of weight to loose. My irrational mind wants it all to be gone immediately. I have little pain from surgery. I have a little bit of pain at night time when I twist wrong or something. I can tell my wounds are healing as they are itching like crazy. I am looking forward to eating something besides Propel water but am not really experiencing much real hunger. The water takes care of the hunger for the most part. Well thats my story on this one week post op, and I'm sticken to it. All in all, life is great, I am motivated and doing well. My clothes are getting loose. Oh yeah, I would be amiss if I didn't tell you that the belt that I have been stretching the last wrung on is experiencing some relief. As a matter of fact, I have moved over one eyelit to the thinner side. Exciting news for both me and the belt. Have a great Holiday season. Robbie

Patticake 19 years, 5 months ago

It was good to hear that you are doing well. Enjoy your journey to the new YOU. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New YEAR. Patticake

Redhaired 19 years, 5 months ago

Glad to hear you are doing ok. Merry Christmas.
About Me
Temecula, CA
Dec 08, 2004
Member Since
