kylakae 21 years, 10 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="162" height="188"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#006600">Happy re-Birthday, Linda! It was great to see you posting an update. Congratulations on all your triumphs and believe me, they are triumphs! You fell only 7lbs short of your surgeons one year goal and considering all you've been through, that is amazing! So I say, give yourself a break and concentrate on your accomplishments! I hope that you continue to be blessed by this surgery and that you are feeling great. May this next year be your best ever!!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

RODEO CLOWNS S. 21 years, 10 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!! It sounds like your are doing wonderfully and have lost a lot of weight. We all lose at our own pace. I needed to lose 160 lbs but lost only 105 the first year. I just keep on truckin'!!!! Again, I think you have done a wonderful job. Keep up the good fight.

Linda F. 21 years, 10 months ago

Where did the past year go? It's hard to believe that I'm one year postop today. The time has flown by! I really have mixed feelings...I've lost 113# and have regained my life. Last weekend, I hiked 16 miles over mountainous terrain at about 9000 feet elevation (I live at sea level but was visiting in the mountains). A year ago, I had to stop to rest 2-3 times to get up a single flight of stairs! I've also dropped in size from a 32/24 to a 14/16 or 16/18 depending on the brand of clothing. So, from that standpoint, I guess I'm a success. I feel like a failure, though, compared to many of the others who've had much more dramatic weight loss. My surgeon expects me to lose 160# total (of the 200# I need to lose to hit my "ideal" weight) and thought that I'd lose 120# of that in the first year...I didn't hit that goal. My personal goal was to lose 160# the first year (I want to lose the WHOLE 200#). I *definitely* did not hit that goal. In part, I feel like that's my fault because I have been lax about exercising and getting in adequate protein and fluids. On the other hand, I lost two months to a broken back and another two months to incapacitating depression (resulting in hospitalization). Depending on the moment, I either want to beat myself up or cut myself some slack...I can't seem to be consistent here, either! Overall, though, I'm satisfied with the results. I'd recommend WLS to anybody in a heartbeat and am more than willing to share my story with anybody. I've shown my belly to more strangers than I'd ever have thought possible when they want to know "how bad" the scars are...I had a lap procedure and can't even FIND all the scars now...a couple of them have completely disappeared. I hope to have plastic surgery (tummy tuck and breast reduction) in the next year but want to wait until I'm closer to my "final" weight before doing so.

Linda F. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hi! I'm two months' postop and thought I should post an update. I had a distal lap RNY and had an incredibly uncomplicated recovery. I'm a home health RN and was back working full time at 6 days postop. I've lost 42# (331# down to 289#), 3 sizes in jeans (from spilling out of a 32 to baggy 26's), and 24 1/2" (measuring arm, bust, waist, abdomen, hips, and thigh). My energy has gone from a 2 on a scale of 1-10 (10 being high) to about a 5. <BR><BR>My chief problem right now is that I don't eat enough to sustain my activity level and I get dizzy--WHEN in my life have I ever had a problem eating enough???? NEVER!!! that is, until now. I have to be very conscientious about keeping something with me so I can eat at least every 3-4 hours to keep my blood sugar stable.

Linda F. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hi, all...just wanted to let you know how things are going. I'm 17 days out from surgery, have lost 26.5# and dropped one size in clothing. It's already eating solids (with my doc's permission, of course) and have only vomited once since surgery.

Linda F. 22 years, 10 months ago

Ok, I know this is just a few hours after my last update but I'm just so thrilled!!! I stopped by the gym on my way home from work (that's the scale I've been using and it matches my surgeon's) and I'm down **18 1/2** pounds in just 7 days (my lap RNY was last Tuesday).<br><Br> I have some less than wonderful news to pass on as well. I was so excited and "pumped" after this that I felt I could take on the world. I was STARVING so stopped by Taco Bell and picked up an order of pintos and cheese. It's 4.5 ounces and 9 gms of proteins and soft so there are worse things I could eat. However, I wasn't paying attention to how fast I was eating and ate the whole thing in about 10 minutes. The most I've had at any time since surgery was 2 oz over 15-20 minutes (was supposed to be on clear liquids 'til Thursday but just couldn't do it--had permission from my surgeon to experiment 'cautiously'). While I didn't hurt immediately, it's only about 10 minutes after finishing and I'm MISERABLE. Gonna go lay down and repent of my wicked ways. 8^(

Linda F. 22 years, 10 months ago

Well, new life started a week ago today. It's amazing how my life has changed in a week...and I have yet to get on a scale. I'm disappointed to find that much of my waking hours are filled with thoughts of food and what I "can" have (which isn't much since I'm still supposed to be on clear liquids). I'm sure that this will get better with time...the most frustrating thing is trying to figure out how to get in my protein without loading up on either the VOLUME or the carbs that seem to be present in the protein drinks available at the Vitamin Shoppe. Anybody got any suggestions?<br><br> Apart from that, the most difficult part of this surgery has been coming home from the hospital. I was doing GREAT at the hospital...up walking and not having much pain. I did great when I first got home, too, until I tried to go to bed. I couldn't lay flat and couldn't turn over since I didn't have a side rail to pull on. I also didn't have a recliner, am wishing that I did. I ended up sleeping on the couch for a couple of nights and have since progressed to an Aerobed on the floor (it's easier to get up from the floor than it is to try to get up into my 'normal' bed--it's higher than most beds because it's an old-fashioned colonial four-poster). I slept pretty well on that.<br><br> I went back to work yesterday (I do home health in the Bronx) and tolerated it fairly well although I got tired after half a day and came home. The worst part was the drive...I live about 30 miles from where I work and there's a lot of road construction between here and there. The bumps were quite uncomfortable...somehow I'd never noticed that they were so bad before. I'm only planning on trying to put in a half day, in fact, leaving as soon as I finish this post.<br><br> Thanks to all of you who took the time to offer support before, during, and after surgery...and thanks so much to KIM LEWIS...couldn't ask for a better angel than she was.

Lauraine N. 22 years, 10 months ago

Linda, just as your name will be fine. I will keep you in prayer as you recover quickly and feel your "new you" begin. I am a post op too. I had mine on 7/19/01, I feel great. Perhaps, I should adopt your last name "Fine" as well. I read on someone's profile..."Fear knocked at my door, and Faith answered to find that no one was there". I felt really connected to that saying. I found out that all my fears are fading away everyday as I reach out and grab my great tomorrow. Take care---Lauraine email [email protected]

Vickie C. 22 years, 10 months ago

Linda, Congratulations on your surgery! I am glad everything went well and I wish you good luck and good health with your recovery. A WLS friend,

Kim L. 22 years, 10 months ago

I talked to Linda this afternoon. She made it safely to the other side with little trouble. She hadn't gotten up yet to walk when I talked to her, but she sounded great. I will update again after i talk to her tomorrow.
About Me
Nanuet, NY
Surgery Date
May 16, 2001
Member Since
