LINDA C. 23 years, 5 months ago

Hi Joe & Joy -- The power of prayer. What a wonderful group of people. I have never seen so much prayer for a person in my life and it is the most wondeful feeling. I am so happy for you and thank God everyday for your continued healing. My prayers are still with you and your family daily and I will continue to lift you up until you come home.

Pam S. 23 years, 5 months ago

Joe ~ I am so happy that you are doing better. I have been checking your page daily to see how you are doing. I have prayed for your healthy recovery. I will continue to pray that you stay on the road to recovery. God be with you and your wife.

Jenn B. 23 years, 5 months ago

YAAAHHHOOOOOO!!!!!! Congrats on a sucessful transfer out of ICU!! We're still out here praying for you and Joy! All our love... your OA sisters, Cat and Jenn in Vancouver.

jay B. 23 years, 5 months ago

HAPPY NEW YEARS, Well I am a few days past but I have been thinking of you, and praying that you will be getting better. And here today I saw the wonderful posting of your progress. THANK YOU GOD>>>>>>. DREAMS COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELEIVE, I keep telling myself this saying and I know it works. (as I had been doing some reflecting over my life these past couple of weeks I remember my mother telling me this a few years ago and somehow the light came on bright)WOW IT IS AMAZING. Anyways hang in Joe will continue to watch for new and better posting,and I will still keep ypu in my prayers>>>LOL>>>Jay Biller

Katherin B. 23 years, 5 months ago

Joe, Thank God! I've been following your situation, and I'm so happy to hear you are on the mend. Best wishes, Kat

Pamela G. 23 years, 5 months ago

Thank you God! Joe I pray you have a swift recovery from all your pain and complications,my heart is with you.It warms my soul to feel the strength,love and prayers that have pulled together here on the board. Nice to know there are so many good people left in this world. We are with you as well as God above. Love to all Pamela

kcraig 23 years, 5 months ago

Praise the lord!! i have been so concerned for you and have looked for updates daily on your condition. Im so glad to hear your doing so well. Welcome to the otherside and may god keep his hands on you through your journey with WLS. God Bless

Debbie B. 23 years, 5 months ago

So Happy to hear you are feeling better Joe. You have been in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Joy you truely are an ANGEL and Joe is a lucky man. Hoping to see a post soon that says you have been released and ALL IS WELL!!! God Bless Debbie B

Susan W. 23 years, 5 months ago

Joe, You are in my daily prayers. I hope you are feeling better now and regaining your strength. God Bless!

jay B. 23 years, 5 months ago

Joy, Thanks for the update of Joe, I am sorry to hear that he is going back into surgery this morning. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. I find myself coming to this site dialy to see if there are any updates on Joe's recovery. I dont know you but my heart go out to you. May GOD continue to do his work. Never give up before the MIRICAL... Jay Biller
About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2000
Member Since
