William Roe, Jr.

"I was able to get an appointment with Dr. Roe within a week of my phone call to his office. We met on 01/09/02 to discuss the surgery. Dr. Roe has a Power Point presentation that he requires all individuals to see. It is very informative and his presentation style is adequate. My major regret is that another potential patient whose appointment was 1:00 (mine was 3:00) and I viewed the presentation with Dr. Roe together. I personally feel that my appointment time was not my own. Asking questions was awkward for me. All questions were "general" -- nothing of a personal nature. My first impression of Dr. Roe is mixed. He appears to be very sure of himself which could be interpreted as "cocky". The office staff is competent. My impression of the location of his office, plus the interior of the office isn't good. I am new to the Baltimore area, from Seattle, WA, so my impression may be a bit squewed. I understand that the office is moving -- good idea! Dawn is friendly but very busy. I don't feel I was given any time to spend with her concerning insurance coverage concerns, health concerns, etc. I was weighed and that was the extent of any physical information. The risks of surgery were covered during the Power Point presentation. Aftercare was discussed as well. I was given a booklet to read about diet. Dawn indicated that Dr. Roe would be discussing the booklet with me, but that did not occur. Again, having another potential patient present during my appointment wasn't the best situation. After the Power Point presentation I was excused from the room and Dr. Roe continued with the other individual. It is my impression that Dr. Roe had spent considerable time with the other potential patient prior to my appointment. In short, I felt as though I had been "squeezed" in! I put a lot of weight into first impressions. Perhaps my expectations were set too high. Sharing my appointment with another person just wasn't on my agenda. Another concern for me is that he has only performed 50 gastric bypass surgeries. He is a surgeon by trade, so I am sure that this fact would not deter me from considering Dr. Roe. I have made an appointment with Dr. Michael Schweitzer. I am hoping that this appointment will be my own! Will keep you posted. *******01/22/02 UPDATE*********** I received a telephone call from Dr. Roe's office and we had a very good conversation concerning my "first" impression during the consult appointment. Apparently it was not a good day for all concerned -- which we all have on occasion. So, I have another appointment with Dr. Roe tonight to discuss the possibilities of surgery. My PCP has approved the idea and his referral is complete. Once I decide on a surgeon, insurance approval will be next. I am looking forward to my appointment with Dr. Roe and his staff. Will keep you posted! **********UPDATE***************** 01/23/02 -- Met with Dr. Roe and Dawn last night and this appointment was much better. After careful consideration and converstion with Dr. Roe I have decided that I would prefer that he do the surgery. Yeah, I was interested in the LAP procedure, but Dr. Roe's explanation of the method he uses makes good sense to me! He will be doing the surgery with a 3" incision -- I can live with that. Dawn is pursuing my insurance approval today, and with any luck I will be able to have the surgery on February 5, 2002. Someone cancelled their scheduled surgery for that day -- so the Gods must be with me and in favor of my regaining good health again!!! Will keep you posted! If you haven't talked with Dr. Roe I recommend that you put him on the list of potential surgeons. ***********UPDATE************** Insurance approved after 24 hours. Thank you Dawn! I am scheduled for February 5, 2002. Have to admit that I am scared, excited, and in a daze. This is a big decision but I know in my heart it is the best one I have ever made (next to saying "yes" when my cute little hubby asked me to marry him over 20 years ago). He is my best friend and remains so supportive of me and this decision. A definite keeper! I met with Dr. Roe and Dawn last night (01/29/02) for my pre-op weight and (ugh) pictures. Things went well. Dr. Roe answered all of my "questions" and has been very patient with me and my hubby. I will definitely keep all of you posted on my progress. Have a date with the support tonight (01/30/02). Tomorrow is my birthday and I feel grand knowing that on my next birthday I will be healthier and half the person I am now -- in body size only!!! ***********January 30, 2002 UPDATE*********** If you decide to have Dr. Roe as your surgeon and you decide to have this surgery but are having some discomfort about the decision you HAVE TO GO TO THE SUPPORT GROUP! It is a must, especially prior to your surgery. The stories are unbelievable, the people are so eager to help you get through the initial fear of the unknown, and there are stories and recommendations galore. Don't think twice about attending a support group session -- make it a MUST!!! You won't be sorry. I have 4 more days before surgery and already have received well wishes from many people I have yet to meet. Thank you! Will keep everyone posted. ******************February 19, 2002 UPDATE*** I am 2 weeks post op and feeling great! I came back to work today and have lost 19 lbs. More importantly is this: I feel great, my health is improving and my energy level is a ten! I had no complications, no vomitting, each food item I am reintroducing is agreeing with me, etc. Why didn't I do this sooner? ***************UPDATE 04/25/02*************** Well, I am almost 3 months post-op and still doing quite well. I see Dr. Roe once a month and my last appointment was April 2, 2002. I had lost 45 lbs! My clothes still continue to get loose, I've lost a shoe size, and I have gone from a size 3X (or 12) to size 8 in undies! Hooray for me. I feel great and have no regrets about my decision. The support group meetings are a welcome evening for me. We missed quite a few folks last night........where were you??? I will post again after my May 3rd appointment with Dr. Roe. Take care! *************May 3, 2002****************** Drum roll, please! I have lost a grand total of 56 lbs. since 02/05/02. I feel great! Dr. Roe also took me off of my blood pressure meds today.......life just seems to get better each day. More clothes for the "get rid of" box...hoorah! *************May 16, 2002***************** I continue to do well. Lately I am experiencing feelings of grazing, but understand that this is normal. Why be normal? Anyway, I am working hard on getting those proteins in and reducing carbs. Sugar is not an option for me and I don't miss it at all. I was a Diet Pepsi fiend prior to surgery, but I don't miss that either. Does this mean I am no longer a member of the Pepsi Generation? So be it! So far fish is the only meat I can tolerate but that is okay. I will go back to my vegetarian diet days of long ago -- there is so much one can do with and to tofu! More on that later (tee, hee). I am now 60 lbs lighter and in a size 14/16. Life is so good and I am so grateful to Dr. Roe, my insurance company (BX/BS), my hubby, and me for making this decision. Don't waste another day----get on the band wagon and join the best "losers" club around. You won't regret your decision. PEACE! November 5, 2002 I am now 9 months post-op and feeling great! Victoria Secret and I have become close and personal friends...if you know what I mean. I no longer crave or miss the fast food lifestyle I was on for so many years. Protein is still an obstacle for me, but each day it gets better. Chicken,turkey and pork are NOT user friendly. I can do fish and sometimes on a very good day I can eat a few bites of really ground up hamburger. I've eaten so much fish I am almost positive I have gills and scales! Flipper is looking pretty darn good to me lately! I have never regreted my decision to have this life altering surgery. It saved my life. No more pain, off of meds, and energy that goes without saying. Take a chance, what have you got to lose except those unwanted pounds????? Peace, Brigitte"

Carb Control

"All 3 flavors are good. I sometimes mix the French Vanilla and Strawberry together. A great source of protein for those of us on the go all of the time."

Good Samaritan

"A better response to patient inquiries. Do something about getting a warm meal!"
About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Dec 25, 2001
Member Since
