Sharon Neva 21 years, 7 months ago

ANGELA~~~~ WOW ~~ CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS~~ 101 pounds!!!! Please keep us posted on your progress. You are doing an awesome job. You are and inspiration to us all.~~

Angela G. 21 years, 7 months ago

Well It's been 7 months now and I'm no longer concidered over weight!! I've lost 101 pounds!!!!! Am in a size 10/9. If I don't go down one more pound I will be perfectly happy.

Angela G. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi everyone! Well it's been 5 month now! I'm now 165 pounds and a size 14!!! I feel so great!! Today I tryed on a pair of unwashed size 12 and I was able to button them up, without sucking in my stomach!! I almost cryed!! I've never been a 12. I thank God and Dr. Nakeeb I would have this surgery again in a flash!! I've had very little problems, I threw up a lot in the beginning but when I slowed down my eating that pretty much stopped ( hard to break old habits) and I'm lactose-intolorent now but a very small price to pay to loose so much weight. I can't eat sweets no more but thats a good thing cause that what got me to 250 lbs any how. Eggs make me naususe but I think thats because scrambled eggs are the first thing they feed me afther surgery, but I can stomach part of an omlete. Wierd I now but whatever, I don't care, I only weight 165!!!!! whoo-hoo!!!! Good luck to all waiting to be approved it's worth the weight!!

kylakae 21 years, 11 months ago

Angela, congratulations on your awesome weight loss! Woohooo!

Angela G. 21 years, 11 months ago

Been awhile since I've been on. I'm now almost 6 months post-op and I feel GREAT!!! I've lost almost 80 pounds and am feeling pretty great about myself. Am now in a 14/16 was 24/26 When I had my surgery. Can eat almost anything I want but no more sweets (causes dumping) and am now lactose intolerent. But to be so much thinner and healther a price I'm more then willing to pay. Eating is now more of just something I have to do instead of wanting to (often need to remind myself to eat) Oh one thing, if I have a drink, I get drunk way faster!! You become a very cheap date!!

Angela G. 22 years, 3 months ago

Well it's now been one week and a day since my surgery and I'm feeling great! I've already lost 17 pounds!! I can't remember ever losing so much weight so fast. My time at the hospital went real fast, I had my surgery on a tue and went home Thur. afthernoon. The pain has been no where near what I thought it was going to be, I've had worse period cramps, But I'm sure the morphine had a big hand in that. I was up walking in the hallway for the first time on tue around 6:30pm a little less then 12 hours afther my surgery, my knees where a little rubbery but it actually felt kinda good to get out of bed and move those sore muscles from lieing on a small operation table for 3 hours. I had my swallow study late Wed. morning ( that stuff you have to swallow taste horrible!!) no leaks so about 2 hours afther that I was able to drink some water. Water never tasted so good!! I was so thirsty!! I was even able to take a shower on Wed, it kind of tired me out but it felt good since I had been running a fever on Tue and Wed since I wasn't making myself cough enough. So don't forget to cough when you get out of surgery everyone : ) My fevers would go down about 1/2 hour afther I made myself cough up some of the phlem in my lungs. The ride home was kind of hard though, it hurt every time we went over a bump, I sould of thought to take some pain med. before I left. Other then that everything was pretty unevental. Sorry about the spelling errors I'm not a very good speller. I'm ready to go back to work I'm getting pretty bored just sitting around, but since I'm a bartender that won't be for another 3 to 5 weeks. My husband keeps scolding me that I'm over doing it at home. Yesterday I agreed because I shampooed the carpet not a very smart idea because I was in alot of pain later that night. I just feel so good it's hard for me not to do anything. Well as I lose more weight I'll do another update, next Wed I go back to see Dr. Nakeeb for my 2 week follow up. Bye for now, Angela

Angela G. 22 years, 3 months ago

Well I'm home all, afther only 2 days in the hospital and doing pretty great. Every one at Frederort was great, all keep nagging me to cough but I know that was for my own good. I'm still pretty tired I get back on here in a few days.

blank first name B. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hello Angela~~~~~I wish you the best with your surgery. I also live in WI, I am awaiting insurance approval. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find all the health and happiness you ever dreamed of after surgery. May God bless you and keep you in His peace.
About Me
Racine, WI
Surgery Date
Jan 30, 2002
Member Since
