Monica G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Sorry to have worried you all, I thought I had asked my dh to call my angel with an update, but he said I didn't....and I have to believe him, cuz that Versed (sp?) they gave me worked TOO GOOD --for quite a few extra days actually -- I don't remember ALOT of stuff, even people who called/visited me on Saturday - Tuesday!! I really think they gave me too much!! Lololol Anyway, here's the scoop....I was only home about 15 hrs and had to call Dr Obeid, cuz I started running a 102.5 fever in the middle of the night...he told me to get to the hospital ASAP...I called him at 8:30 and he wanted me there by 9am. Soooo... I didn't even have a chance to grab ANYTHING. We didn't know what he was going to do, cuz I really didn't have a clue what was wrong...just knew I had a fever and felt like crap all night and was so nauseous I couldn't drink anything!!.....they really put me through the loops with all the tests and I was REALLY out if it....once I knew they were taking over, I think I just let go, cuz I don't remember feeling so bad in my life...turns out I had a URI (from the dang catheter) and I think I might have caught a flu bug too, (quite possibly maybe even that West Nile Virus, cuz I had gotten about 25 mosquito bites 2 wks before surgery while up north....but that wasn't confirmed by anyone, just my own opinion-- they said that shouldn't have affected me at that late of a date...but who knows-- It sure felt like it was the WORST flu I had ever had!) Plus, I really didn't feel as good as I think I should have when I came home on Sunday....even my dh commented he thought I was getting sick then. And as an afterthought, I think I started weakening on Friday when my first IV blew and they didn't replace it, even tho I couldn't have anything to drink, not even ice chips until Saturday afternoon after my Leak test....which really sucked! THAT was not a good move and I DO plan to tell Dr. Obeid about that, cuz I'm sure he doesn't know. I was so dehydrated when I went back in...they couldn't even get an arterial vein for an O2 chk....I'm bruised on both my arms/hands/belly like YOU would NOT believe! Anyway...I 've got a TON of emails to get through tonite from the last week. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm doing great and Feel Like a Million Bucks NOW ~ :) I'll fill you in more's amazing how much you CAN'T eat even though you're starving!! LOL I haven't gotten on the scale yet...I'm still pretty full of fluids, my first appt with surgeon is Tuesday, so I'll let you know what my 2 wk loss is...I'm not expecting much with everything that happened, but you never know! Hugs for all the Prayers!! I definately felt all your prayers and my Angel's Presence! :-D TTYS ~

VtwinQueen 21 years, 9 months ago

I called Monica last night and she is doing great! She did not have any complications. She sounded great and was getting ready to go for her first walk. She won't be able to drink anything until tomorrow. That's it for now!

VtwinQueen 21 years, 9 months ago

Monica's husband called to say that Monica is doing great! He called and talked to my husband at home instead of calling me at work so I'll have to give her a call when I get home to get details. I wanted details but you know how guys are . . . There will be more to follow this evening. . . till then, keep praying that Monica continues to do well! I know she will, she has God by her side!!! Amy B.

Rebekah A. 21 years, 9 months ago

Good luck with your surgery. I know this can be a time full of much anxiety and excitement all at once. I pray that you will have a surgery that is free of any complications and that you have a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you. God bless!

rhondan 21 years, 9 months ago

Best wishes on your surgery and a very speedy recovery hugs to you

Monica G. 21 years, 9 months ago

I have an Angel - Amy Bearden - A SUPER Gal has volunteered to by my angel-- She's been a BIG cheerleader for me since we met! Thank you Amy - You're a sweety!<p> My surgery is Thursday the 29th...I'm counting down HOURS now! WOW...I cannot believe this is actually happening! Only 29 hrs and I leave for the hospital to pass over to the losing side! Keep your prayers coming please...I'm excited and nervous and anxious and TOTALLY PSYCHED! I can't wait for these 29 hrs to pass so I can get on with the rest of my Life!! :) God Bless ~

Heather M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Monica, hey there. i'm so happy to see that you have a sooner date. i must say that i have been following you for a little while. i mean i check out your page. and i am so happy to see that you will be able to move that up faster. my surgery is on the 30th. so i will be following i'm going to BTC in Ypsi. i would love to talk with you sometime aobut this stuff. i think that it might help us both out. i find that i love to talk about this now. so let me know.

jackie_h1 21 years, 9 months ago

Hello from a fellow Michigander!! Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I wish you the BEST and my thoughts and prayers are with you as you make this life change. Hope you have a wonderful surgical experience and speedy complication free recovery! Your soon to be a BIG LOSER!! Hugs and Blessing from a WLS sister~

RODEO CLOWNS S. 21 years, 9 months ago

My best wishes to you for a safe and successful surgery and recovery. May all of your sweetest dreams come true. My husband and I both had open rny's in 2001 and have lost a combined total of 315 lbs. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS AND GOOD LUCK!!!!

Monica G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Thank you ALL for your kind words and Prayers! I'm not as nervous now after going to my pre-admission testing appt on Weds. It was a breeze and the Dr was AWESOME! I like him so much, I might make him my PCP for my family! :) My surgery is being juggled between 7:30am & please just be praying and thinking of me sometime that AM! LOL I'm VERY excited now! Only 5 days & a wake up! God Bless all of you in your journey also! ~
About Me
Flint / Grand Blanc Area, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
September '02 - 1 Week Post Op - Loss of 30lbs down to 219 - Size 2X or 24 top
November '03 - 15 mths Post op - Loss of 105lbs Size 12 Gap Jeans!!! LOVING LIFE!
