piperkc 22 years, 1 month ago

Hi Carly Sorry you were delayed but now that makes us surgery sisters. My surgery is May 16th too. So here's to us......a safe journey to the other side and a speedy recovery Angela in Canada Pre-op 479 BMI 75 Dr Michael Grace May 16, 2002 London Health Sciences Center I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Surely..I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

Sharon Neva 22 years, 1 month ago

CARLY~~If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you

Judi W. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hey Carly...sorry about the change in your date...but high BP could be a major problem if not controlled. It's relly good they found out now and you won't have to worry later. Keep The Faith...you know God has His best for you.

Grace M. 22 years, 1 month ago

My surgery date is delayed 10 days from May 6 to May 16. Hopefully my new meds will have taken effect and my blood pressure will not be so high. I am ok because my faith enables me to know that God will either lighten your load or He will strengthen your back. I must be getting stronger because waiting is not my strength.

Blase K. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hey Girl, Dont worry about the short delay, it only means that i will be able to say Hi to you in person before I leave the hospital and make sure they are treating you right!!!Keep your chin up:):):):) PEACE, Blase

DJeffrey 22 years, 1 month ago

Hang in there girl! This is just a temporary setback and it's much better to be safe than sorry! Don't forget with all the other advice you have gotten, to cut out ALL salt/sodium and walk every day. hugs and prayers....

Dawn B. 22 years, 1 month ago

**ANGEL UPDATE** I talked to Carly and she is having problems with her blood pressure. The doctor has changed her medication to try and get it stabilized by her surgery date May 6th. Well they have decided to postpone her surgery until May 16th to give the medication time to work. She understands completely, and she believes in God's will, but she is still disappointed and sad. Let's all cheer her up and send her well wishes. She needs our prayers right now. Hang in there sweet friend, you're time is just around the corner!! Cheri

Dawn B. 22 years, 1 month ago

**ANGEL UPDATE** I talked to Carly and she is having problems with her blood pressure. The doctor has changed her medication to try and get it stabilized by her surgery date May 6th. Well they have decided to postpone her surgery until May 16th to give the medication time to work. She understands completely, and she believes in God's will, but she is still disappointed and sad. Let's all cheer her up and send her well wishes. She needs our prayers right now. Hang in there sweet friend, you're time is just around the corner!! Cheri

Janet I. 22 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May you be blessed with an easy surgery and a rapid, painless recovery. Don't forget to drink your water, get enough protein, take your vitamins, exercise and... CONTINUE TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS YOUR REALITY

Blase K. 22 years, 1 month ago

I just had to post on this page, it wouldnt be right if I didnt !! even though I have had mor contact with you in the last week than i have with my oldest daughter who lives 1 mile away LOL Good Luck Girl!!:):):) Blase
About Me
Mar 23, 2002
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