Virginia G. 21 years ago

6-15-03 Hey everybody!! Things are coming together now. I wake up in the mornings feeling full. When i do get hungry it only takes a few bites of food and i'm full. I still have not gotten up to 64 oz of fluid a day but i do seem to prefer water over food now. Who would have figured that one. lol I'm not able to go for a mile walk like most people because of my back problem but i am trying to get into the YMCA for water exercises. That will take a load off my back and I'll be able to get my work out also. My first 2 weeks i lost 26 pounds which i was so proud of but i did have a allergy reaction to some medication and was itching a lot till i was given something else to ease the itching which made me sleep all the time. (this could only happen to me) lol I just wanted everyone to know I'm alive and well. I can tell i lost weight in my rear end, legs, and back side area. I have found i can eat hot spicy stuff with ease, But only 3 bites.. lol I can eat a bite or two of grilled chicken but fish didn't care too much for me. I found if i go to eat a 4th bite of anything which, i did not need or couldn't hold.. It comes back up. That keeps me from being greedy.. If your full stop eating!! I am learning. That works for water too. My tummy can only hold a wee bit now and I now know what it means to feel full and stop eating. My goal is 175 pounds.. That only means 148 to go.. I'll be back with another post soon..

Virginia G. 21 years ago

5-31-03 NOTE: longest day in history. I can lay on my tummy now to take a nap. Still can't seem to drink over 15 oz of fluid. At lunch i had a sugar free popsicle, and supper was about 5 spoons of mashed potato's. I'm not sore or hurting except where the feeling is coming back into my legs. After the surgery the top part of both legs were numb. Well, i was told it would come back and it really feels like it's coming back. lol It's like it's burning or my legs are being tore open. I don't know what's worse the funky feeling of most my leg not being there or REALLY KNOWING IT'S THERE.. lol Thank God for a sence of humor.. (+: Maybe it'll pass in a few days All in All? I'm blessed that i have had so few problems with my surgery. God be with us all on this wonderful journey.

Virginia G. 21 years ago

5-30-03 You know yesterday i was really nervous inside but, today seems much better. I still can't drink over 15 oz of fluid. yesterday i did eat a few bites of grits and earlier that day I had a sugar free jello cup. I did fine. Today i had a sugar free popcicle then this evening I had 3 spoons full of mashed potato's. After i ate it slowly i felt i had stuffed my self past my gills. I thought i might get sick but i didn't. You know i'm not sore, i don't hurt, Just feels funny when i lay on my side or tummy. It feels like my belly is full of jello and it might fall out of it's bowl.. lol It's like food really doesn't matter any more. That craving, the passion for food.. Just not here any more. Let's pray it stays that way.. lol

Justin F. 21 years ago

Congrats on making it to the losing side. I hope you have a speedy recovery and also wish the rest of your journey is full of success.

Virginia G. 21 years ago

3-28-03 I'm Home!! It seems so strange to know I've been rerouted 2 days ago and still up walking, talking, laughing with only 5 small cuts were made. Such a small price to have a second chance at a healthier life. I'm am so very luck. It's going to be a wonderful trip ahead of me.

joann35654 21 years ago

hi virginia just a note to say good luck,i know you will be find.we are doing this together i;m out 7 days and doing great.i;ll be praying for you.let me here from you when you are able and we can compare notes.

Melissa B. 21 years ago

God bless you on your surgery!! Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. I'm two weeks out and know it was the best decision of my life!!

tracy W. 21 years ago

In all things Remember,that the one above loves you,that He holds us all in his loving arms,He knows each of us by name.He said anything you ask for in "my name" will be given to you.So in His name I pray for you,that you be given strength, endurance,love,peace and most of all long life.In Jesus' name. When you wake up and see the faces of your loved ones in the recovery room,know that you have made it.Thank Him,Know that you have been blessed to see and to live out the rest of your days with the ones you love and the ones who love you.....Knowing that He loves you too. Happy soon to be ReBirthday.

libra966 21 years ago

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! You'll soon be on the losing side!

thehistorychic 21 years, 1 month ago

May God grant you many years to live, For sure He must be knowing The earth has angels all too few And heaven is overflowing.
About Me
Dolomite, al
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2003
Member Since
