TeddysDeb 19 years, 10 months ago

Mel, I'm thrilled to hear you're doing so well. I knew you would, you feisty thing! Enjoy being at home, catch up on your sleep, and keep moving. Much Love, Deb

* Leilani * 19 years, 10 months ago

I'm SORRY this update is so late in the day, I honestly have been trying to call the hospital for the last five hours and couldn't get through. Well, I now know WHY. It would appear the cute lil' culprit was none other then Mel's dad, who was staying with her this afternoon and had the lap top plugged into the phone line. He said that Mel has already fired him twice today as a 'wannabe helper' so it would appear she's back to her feisty self? Mel sounded like she was in very HIGH spirits. The doctor has her walking a minimum of ten different times today and as of 3:00 this afternoon, she's already completed 5 of those walks (complete with her bright rainbow colored fuzzy slippers) . She's already had her Upper GI test to check for leaks and every thing has come back EXCELLENT!!! They have her drinking water, 8 oz every two hours, which she's managed to keep down with no problems. Currently, her release day is still scheduled for Friday morning. She says to tell everyone HELLO and she misses all of you (she also mentioned how much she missed her kittykat, but I don't have the fur-balls email address, so it'll be up to the family to pass that message on).

Lynda 19 years, 10 months ago

Miss Mel--Congrats on making it to the other side. Remember to drink, walk and drink again. Be patient and rest in between. Look forward to hearing of your progress. Lynda ME/FL

summewe 19 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations and welcome to the losing side! Keep us posted on your progress. -- Wendy

Sharon Neva 19 years, 10 months ago

MISS MEL~ ~~CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING IT TO THE LOSING SIDE~~ May Each New Day Find You Feeling Better....There are so many people thinking nice thoughts about you and wishing you a quick, easy recovery......~~EVERYDAY WILL GET BETTER AND BETTER~~

kellyh26 19 years, 10 months ago

That's a wonderful update!! I was in her shoes just one week ago today!! and yes she will feel like a truck hit her head on!! But it get's better... Hugs and best wishes Kelly

* Leilani * 19 years, 10 months ago

~*~ ANGEL UPDATE ~*~ I'm HAPPY to report, that I just got off the phone with Miss Mel's sister, and my sweet lil angelette has made it through surgery with flying colors!! Granted, she's probably going to disagree with that description when she's awake and feeling like a truck just hit her? Her sister said they WERE able to do the entire operation as a LAP (thank goodness). It took a little longer to complete and there was a little more bleeding then the doctor expected, but bottom-line, she's out of surgery - in recovery and doing fine!!! She's at the Provena Mercy Center, in Aurora, IL. They should have her in her own room within the next hour and if I know her, she'll be up doing laps around the nurses station before long. I'll be calling again tomorrow and will hopefully be able to talk to her first hand, look for another update then! Hugs - Lei

TeddysDeb 19 years, 11 months ago

Mel, Wishing you all the best tomorrow, I know everything will go great. I'll be keeping you and Dr. Rosen in my prayers right until they wheel me away for my own surgery. Hoping to see you at the August Support Group meeting, Deb

weightnolonger 19 years, 11 months ago


RobinGa 19 years, 11 months ago

Miss Mel, I am sending prayers and best wishes for your surgery. I know that you will soar into your new life. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 Best Wishes Robin Lap Surgery Date 08-09-04
About Me
McHenry, IL
Surgery Date
Dec 29, 2003
Member Since
