Detroit Receiving Hospital & University Health Ctr

"Excellent staff. Very caring professionals. Could not have asked for a better hospital stay."

James A. Sapala

"Dr. Sapala is a wonderful man! He is very warm and personable. He makes excellent eye contact and I was immediately at ease with him. His office staff is the best. Everyone in the office is genuinely concerned and caring about the patients. He is very concerned about aftercare and has been adamant about keeping appointments, and making sure to do what he says to do. When I went for my initial consultation with Dr. S, he was very forthcoming about the possibilities of complications and risks of this surgery. Overall I would rate Dr. Sapala as top notch. I have already referred several friends and family members to him for his services. Dr. Sapala's surgical competence is the "gold standard". He is the inventor of the micro-pouch. His bedside manner is wonderful."
About Me
Bellevue, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2001
Member Since
