Stephen G. Boyce

"My first impression was a lasting one. I walked away from my consult with a very good feeling. He has an awesome bedside manner. He doesn't treat you like just another patient. He was very informative, as well as open and honest about WLS. His office staff is very nice. Johnnie will be seeing me thru my WLS, as well as after. I like her alot. She is very compasionate. Dr. Boyce really emphasizes aftercare as a big part of the overall process in losing weight. The aftercare program seems like it will be most helpful in reaching the goals that you set for yourself. He went over all the pros & cons of WLS & was very upfront & honest about the risks. As far as rating Dr. Boyce, I would give him a "10". I know I have made the right choice in picking him as my surgeon."
About Me
Knoxville, TN
Surgery Date
Oct 15, 2003
Member Since
