Carol Leavett

"She listened and was very thorough. I would highly recommend her. Her letter to my surgeon and the insurance company was outstanding."

Kenneth Schnide

"He is one of the most, if not the most, caring and compassionate doctors that I have had the opportunity to know. He listens and lets you know that he hears what you are saying. Whatever I asked of him, he gave 110%. If you need a PCP that is WLS friendly - I recommend him!"

Columbia Greene

"The only complaint that I had was that the dietary staff has NO idea what a post-op RNY patient can eat. I was served ice cream, regular jello, regular soda - I sent them back - but it was uncomfortable to constantly be on the buzzer about the food"

Gary Pearlstein

"I went for my first consult visit last week - found his office staff to be very friendly. My impression of Dr. Pearlstein is that he is a very honest individual that will not try to glamorize this surgery - he explains that this is very serious and there are complications - however - it can change my life. I go for my psychological evaluation this week - then we submit our paperwork to the insurance company - I will keep updating as I go along."
About Me
Tivoli, NY
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This was taken in July of 2001 - 2 months before my surgery on October 1, 2001
336 poundslbs
This was taken end of June, 2002 - what a difference a year makes
200 poundslbs
