Lawrence Barzune

"Dr Barzune comes across a little tough and very blunt and does not mince words. But I liked him immediately and I could tell he was a big advocate for the obese. He has made me cry a few times over the years but I must say he is my hero. ( The crying was because I was eating bad unhealthy food and he questioned me alot!) He always does a yearly Christmas party and style show and has a fancy store let us borrow clothes and model. He uses all his patients and even had tv come and film us. What a feeling! Wow! He is also involved with the HOuston Symphony and each year he encourages each of his patients to participate in a 5-10k race and pays all his patients fees. He really encourages exercise and good eating habits. His office staff was GReAT when I was going monthly but over the years it has changed and I am not familiar with them now. He has a great followup program and insists that you come for monthly support meetings where he has guest speakers each month. I attended monthly support meetings driving from Houston to Dallas every month the first year. Now I go once or twice a year and miss not being able to go more. He has a very structured aftercare program. Prior to surgery he has you attend an information meeting and shows slides and films. I would rate him overall as a 10 on a scale of 10. He is a wonderful surgeon and Ihave had no problems. I would say surgical competence HAS to be the most important.Bedside manner helps though with the psychological aspects. He was pretty tough on me that first week in the hospital when I was whining and I hated him and just knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life.I felt that way about 2 weeks and then I fell in love with him!!! I just can't say enough good things about Dr. Barzune. I love him dearly. He even calls me at home long distance from Dallas just to chat and check on me occasionally. Now how many doctors do that in this day and time!!??? Now, this of course is my opinion and my experience with this doctor."
About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 1999
Member Since
