John Searles Jr.

"There was a mix up with my surgery. I had my consultation with a different Dr. and was told my underlying muscles would be tightened. That Dr. left the practice so I was referred to Dr. Searles. He was unaware that I had been told my muscles would be tightened and I assumed nothing had changed and it was in my chart to have this done. I did not find out until 5 days after surgery that it was not done. He did a great job with the excess skin removal, but I am upset that more wasn't done. "

Gerardo Gomez

"First impression - good. very nice and explained things well. Told me to really think about this before making final decision. Impression has not changed. Office Staff- nice and helpful always resonded quickly. Liked Least - The Dr. didn't offer any background info. on himself regarding bypass surgery experience. Aftercare - A post-op diet paper was sent to me, but it doesn't cover after 8 weeks. I spoke to a dietian at the hoptial but I don't think he was familiar with this surgery. I was told by the nurse at the hospital that I was the first gastric-bypass post surgery patient that they have cared for. I was given a solid food breakfast on day 4 and had to argue with staff that I could not have it. They also tried to give me friut drink 10% juice and lots of suger, I told them it had to be 100% friut juice wtihout sugar. There is no aftercare program. All surgery risks were explained to me. I rate the Dr. a 8 on scale of 1-10. I would say bedside manner is better. A little concerned about surgical competence secondary the the blood loss I experienced."
About Me
Bloomington, IN
Surgery Date
Sep 18, 1999
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Surgery on August 19,1999
Goal August 19, 2002 - Exactly 1/2 of my former self !!!!!
