Ardean Edinger

"He had trusting and kind eyes, and understood what I was talking about,and listend to me. I have become very fond of my doctor, and have just had the priviledge to meet his wife, and his daughter. I think I could share anything with him. And I truely trust him. I call him friend today. Dee Dee and Carol, were two of the nicest, and kind people I have ever had the chance to know also. They really were so supportive, to all of us in the group. There was not a thing that I could say I didn't like. As far as my surgon goes, He is a true devoted doctor on a mission to help those who are will to do what they are told to do, and He enjoys watching the changes that people make in their lives, and comes to most of the support meetings, to answer any questions people might have. The aftercare program is a big responsibity for my surgon, he has done the work and why should we not do him the honor of taking care of ourselves afterwards. He is really devoted to us for the rest of our lives, at least that is what he told me. And I believe that to be true. The aftercare is very structured, but, it is totally up to the patient wheather or not they put into effect the aftercare program. He told me of all the risks, but, there was more of a risk of me being overweight at my age, and I want to take the chance to have the help I know today that I deserved to have. Magnificent human being, above all a trusted friend. And I feel, I could call him anytime day or night, and he would be there for me. I think if there is not the compassion for the person as a whole, and a true understanding of what they are going through, we would just become another number. But, I have found that not to be true, my surgon, truely loves his patients. And his record speaks for itself."
About Me
Mesa, Az
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2000
Member Since
