A I. 21 years, 1 month ago

I had my post op mtg with the dietician today and catch this .... I am down -17 lbs since my surgery 10 days ago. I was floored - never would of thought it would have been that much! Martha Trenkamp talked about the next step of food (soft foods) which begins after I see the surgeon/nurse for my one month post op visit. I cant wait cause I am getting burned out on blended/pureeed foods uuugghhhhh

A I. 21 years, 1 month ago

Well I made it to the other side. Sorry for NOT posting sooner but I went to my parents for a few days after being released for a lil R&R.I will just give everyone a brief rundown of events. My surgery was scheduled for Fri 4/25 at 110pm but the surgeon had an emergency and I didnt get rolled back till about 330pm. Surgery took about 2-1/2 hours and I eventually made it safely to my own room about 7pm. I dont remember much at all, just what my parents have told me. I spent most of the night sleeping but did get up and move to a recliner about 2am and slept there (felt much better then the bed). Saturday I did make myself get up and walk a lil. I was still very nauseated and hated having the NG tube. I wasnt up for company and all I wanted to do was get a solid hour of sleep (since I was only sleep 20 mins at a time). Sunday I woke up and was feeling much better. Dr Oliphant came in and said they couldnt do the leask test till Monday but was going to ahead and take out my NG tube today. Nurse took out the tube and the catheter and even thou I still couldnt drink - I felt much better. I walked alot Sunday since I felt better. Sunday night around 11pm the nurse came in and said I was going to have to move to another room to make room for more patients. That kinda set me off but they moved all my stuff, I just stood there! Monday morning I took a showr, then was rolled down for the leak test around pam. All I can say is YUCKY to the barium !!! Only good thing about keeping the tube in - was that thye could have injected it thru the tube and I wouldnt have to drink it - but I was glad to be at this point. I went back to the room and the nurse disconnected the IV (just leaving the port) and I laid down cause the barium made me half sick. THe nurse came in aroun 1pm with some watered down apple juice and said I had to drink once ounce an hour over the nest 3 hrs. If I did okay with that then she would order me a clear liquid food tray this evening and if all goes well with that I was going to go home Monday night. Well, needless to day all went well and I was send home around 630pm Monday night. Kinda had mixed emotions about that since I was told we stay till we have our first pureed FOOD tray (not liquid) but the surgeon said I would be fine. I stayed with parents till I got my stomach tube out Friday (DOWN 7 POUNDS in one week). I went home Fri night and have been puttering around and didnt feel like sitting at computer too long till now. Sorry it took so long and thanks everyone for the wonderful support, it has made all the difference in the world. GOD BLESS

Chapin H. 21 years, 1 month ago

Best of luck to you tomorrow! My thoughts will be with you for an uneventful surgery and a speedy and healthy recovery!

Amy G. 21 years, 1 month ago

Best wishes on your journey! God bless you & keep you in His hands! :-)

Beth A. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi! Many blessings for your surgery tomorrow! God is awesome!!! HE will bring you thru to the "losing" side fine! Keep the faith! Many hugs!! :)

Melissa S. 21 years, 1 month ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

Jodee B. 21 years, 1 month ago

May God Bless you with new life. Speedy recovery and more health than you've ever imagined!

Julia T. 21 years, 1 month ago

Best of luck from another who will have surgery on April 25. I'm sure we will both get through it splendidly!!

A I. 21 years, 1 month ago

4 more days till surgery and was doing great mentally untill yesterday. I spent the Easter holiday with my family and had so much fun. We had an easter egg hunt for the kiddie and got it on video - that was so much fun. My brother even called from Florida to wish us all a happy easter! We ended up talking for at least 45 mins! He told me how proud he was of what I have become and what I have done with my life. He also said he loved me just the way I am but if proud of what I willing to go thru to make my life a healthier one and that he wished he could be here to support me. Needless to say I was in tears - just crying like a baby. Good news is that he is going to try to fly up here the May 17 for the family reuion. Hope I can see him then - I havent seen him in 2 years! Last night was the first time I dwelled on dying. I kept thinking about how much I would miss my family. I always knew it was a possibility - but my fear till this point was being sick from anesthetic. I need to do something to turn around my mentality before my surgery date. I spent weeks feeling good/confident and positive - now I am wondering if I am really doing the right thing. I know this is supposed to be normal but in this case I dont like being normal. I need/want my positive outlook back! HELP

summewe 21 years, 1 month ago

Al - Thinking of you. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Wendy (21 days post-op and feeling fine)
About Me
Urbana, IL
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2002
Member Since
