kmish 23 years, 9 months ago

Good luck, Jean. I'm hoping you make it through with flying colors. And don't forget to keep us updated post-op!

Sharon_Cauthen 23 years, 9 months ago

Best Wishes Jean...I'm praying for the best possible Christmas present for you....A healthy, speedy recovery!

Laura B. 23 years, 9 months ago

Dear Jean, You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a speedy recovery. I too am going to have surgery done by Dr Kane. I would love to hear from you when you are back on your feet. God Bless Laura

Valerie J. 23 years, 9 months ago

Jean I pray that all goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.

Agnes Q. 23 years, 9 months ago

Jean: I had the surgery on July 25th of this year and it was an open RNY. Dr. John Balfour perfomed the surgery at Straub Clinic and Hospital here in Honolulu Hawaii.....On December 25th I will be five months post op, and as of Monday December 18th I have lost a total of 92 pounds. I can;t tell you how happy I am, and how much more healthier I am feeling. This was the best Christmas gift that I have ever received. Ihad been battling a weight probem all my life, and for once I feel that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT!!! Here's wishing you all the best and I will add you to my list of prayers....

socco58 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi Jean, Good luck with your surgery. My thoughts & prayers will be with you. ^j^

Beth C. 23 years, 9 months ago

Good luck and God bless you. I am praying for a speedy recovery for you!

Stephanie D. 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi Jean! We are going to be surgery buddies, well close enough anyway LOL. I am going in on December 21 in Houston Tx for the Lap RNY (thinking of switching to open..found out my surgeon took 8 hours to do the surgery via Lap on one patient). Anyway, congratulations and good luck!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God bless :-)
About Me
Chicago, Il
Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2000
Member Since
