Hi Brandie,
I too am 1 week post op. Had my open Rny on May 30th. Glad you can start different things tomorrow, my dr requires two weeks of clear liquids..ugh! I did have some unsweetened applesauce and a small thing of cream of wheat. It is amazing how so little will satisfy isn't it?
I am still in some pain but each day it gets less and less. Still taking the pain meds...call me a wimp I guess.
So far so good though, no complications or vomiting. have lost 15lbs so far.
I too wondered if I had made the right decision soon after surgery..oh did it hurt!
Each day is better though..Today was a down day where I cried all day but tonight I am feeling better.
I hope you continue to do well in your journey and before you know it you are going to Look AWESOME!!!
Someone posted this saying awhile ago and I keep remembering it when I get down. It said,
"If God Brought you to it, God will bring you through it"
We're going to be just fine...
Take care and God Bless!!! *****HUGS******