Roxie W. 20 years ago

In memory of our recently departed "Momma Angel" and on behalf of all the family on this site, I wish you well on your recovery from recent surgery. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

summewe 20 years ago

Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Please keep us updated on your progress. *In loving memory of Paul -- Momma Angel*

LisaSpi 20 years ago

Prayerfully wishing you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery! Lisa Spiker In Loving Memory of @--- Mama Angel

hinnanmf 20 years ago

I pray that your surgery goes well and that you will be up and on your feet in no time. God Bless!!

Shella T. 20 years ago

God Bless you as you go through your surgery. Stay strong and all will be fine. It is an awesome journey. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Bless you, Shella

Kohlsmom 20 years ago

I wish you all the best in your upcoming surgery. May you have a safe surgery and a quick and healthy recovery. May God Bless you! Chrystle in PA - Open 7/7/04

Sherry S. 20 years ago

Haze, I will being praying for you to have an uneventful surgery as the angels watch over you through your recovery. Good luck to you!!!

Haze K. 20 years ago

today I am "cheerfull" sipping my "GoLightly" preop bowel prep! OK, I lied...I am forcing it down, only grateful that it means surgery is tomorrow morning. I checked my emails, and behold, folks I have never met are surrounding me with support and prayers! I am so overwhelmed that you all would take the time to write to me, that I started crying in gratitude! I am so grateful for your support...and will "report in" when I get home! Hugs Haze :-)

KajunBlueRose 20 years ago

HI "Haze"!!! I hear you'll soon be having surgery and I wanted to send you lots of angels and prayers your way. May you have a safe and speedy recovery and we'll see you on the losers side of it all. Best Wishes, Dee

Pretty G. 20 years ago

Hey Haze, wishing you an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
About Me
Las Vegas, NV
Surgery Date
May 15, 2002
Member Since
