Tammy B. 21 years, 4 months ago

I wanted to say congrats on your weight loss to date. I had my surgery March of 2002 and am down 145 pounds. I started at 5'8" 275 pounds and am now down to 130. It is the most wonderful feeling. Don't worry about house cleaning... It will get caught up. Best of losin' and God Bless..

Michelle K. 21 years, 4 months ago

I can't believe it has been 9 WEEKS since my WLS!!! I will be completely honest with all of you out there, it was the toughest obstacle I've encountered, and believe me, I have had a few rough times!! I experienced severe pain about 3-4 weeks after surgery,in the area next to the incision. My surgeon said he thought it was just tendons all knotted up and pulling on sore and injured parts inside. So he had to put me on a heavy narcotic to wipe out the pain. And it did!! ( I will let anyone know what it is called through email, if they are in need of pain relief.) After that pain was taken care of, I was a new person! I could walk more and go places, yes, leave the house! Finally!! I was restricted from doing any housework of ANY kind for about 6 weeks, especially since I had that extra problem near my incision! So, I laid there on the couch and watch as my wonderful, loving and so dedicated husband would clean the house! And I would try to give him subtle hints on "how" to do certain areas! BIG mistake!! So, I had to just live with what I got! Don't get me wrong, I was thankful for his help, but when you have it in your head how YOU want something done, it is hard to let others do it there way, I guess! Well, I have lost 48 pounds so far and feel pretty good! My energy is Slowly coming around!! I get fatigued easily, and have to make sure I eat often to keep my energy up. I also found out I wasn't drinking enough liquid. Water was shocking my tummy, so my dietician says to drink more Crystal Light and change the temperature of my water when I drink it. Make it not so cold. Well, my 5 year old is ready for me to play now, so I will have to sign off now! Bye for now.

Michelle K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi, Michelle. It sounds like everything went well with your surgery! I'm happy for you and can't wait to see you later on this month. Give me a call if you need anything. Jennifer

Michelle K. 21 years, 6 months ago

hi michelle, I hope that you are doing well. please have james call me if you need anything. Hope you are feeling better everyday. Love, Laura

Michelle K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Shelly, Well we finally figured out this web-site! Actually Sam did. Sorry for the late message. I hope each day gets a little more tolerable for you. You sure have more courage than I do! Hang in there and know that God is with you through it all. Each day sounds like it will be a little easier from what I have read on other messages. Love ya lots!!! Nancy

Michelle K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Aunt Shelly! I am so happy that you got through your surgery okay, I have been thinking about you a lot and saying lots of prayers for you! I know that the next couple of weeks will be really hard, but you can do it! Love Samantha

blank first name B. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Michelle-Hope you are enjoying a smooth recovery. It's only about 10 days to my surgery and would love keep in touch with you as I am also in Michigan and having surgery in Grand Haven. God Bless your "new Life"~Maureen

Michelle K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Michelle: So thankful everything went well for you. We have been praying for you, James, and Nicholas as you enter this new phase of your lighter life. No matter what your looks on the outside, you'll always be the very special and thoughtful Michelle on the inside with the BIG HEART! We love you and are thankful God blessed us with your friendship. Praying for a speedy recovery!!! Lynnette and Chris

Michelle K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Michelle, I hope you are feeling better. Hopefully you will be able to come home tomorrow. Keep walking and as my physical training instructor in the police academy and my Physical Therapist always say to me you keep a Positive Mental Attitude a.k.a. PMA's. Believe me that has a lot to do with getting through anything. It really works too. Love you, Laura

vickie P. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Michelle, hope all is well and you are soon feeling on top of the world. Best Wishes.
About Me
Hastings, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 30, 2002
Member Since
