Naes Wls J. 21 years ago

Hi there, CONGRATULATIONS, you are on your way now. Best wishes to you on your wls. may you have a speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. Hang in there and remember everyday is a blessing. ~~Huggybear hugs~~

Lorrie C. 21 years, 3 months ago

Susan, thank you for your support. I really appreciate all of your encoragement. I can't wait to have this procedure behind me and stary enjoying my new life. I loved reading your comments. Thank you.

SUSAN K. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!! It is me, Susan. I have made it, and I am finally doing much much better. It was a very rough and bumpy road for me in the beginning, and recovery was very long and hard, but I made it. In the beginning I was mad at myself for having the surgery, but I can honestly say that now at my 4th month out of surgery and over 90 pounds lighter, I am very proud of myself for going thru with it. Yes, I would do it again in a heart beat, despite all I have been thru. I was intibated for 9 days after surgery, and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. My surgery went well and there were no complications from surgery, I was just much weeker coming out of it than expected. However I am fine now and looking at life everyday with a whole new attitude. I feel fantastic and am extatic at the new things that I can do independantly with each new day. I wish all pre-ops all the best and just want to say that, No matter how weak you may feel right after surgery, just hang in there because it truly does get better with each passing day. I would also like to say Thankyou to everyone who posted here and wished me their best. I appreciate all the support you all have given me. Michael, Thankyou for caring enough to go the extra mile when you were checking on me in the hospital. I had no Idea til I read the posts that you left here. I appreciate you for all you have done for me during my journey since we met. Bless you, Bless all of you. I am still and will always be here for anyone who would like to ask me about my journey, or even if you just need a friend to help you get thru your journey also. Please feel free to email me anytime. I will help in anyway that I can. Until next time, take care and know that things do get better. {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS to All}}}}}}}}}}}}Sincerely Susan Kratzer-Cook

Michael I. 21 years, 10 months ago

I heard that Susan went home from the hospital on 7/20. I was happy to hear this news. I hope she is doing well. I am praying for you for a speedy recovery Susan.

Michael I. 21 years, 11 months ago

I send Dr. Brolin, Susan's doctor an email today. I wanted to know anout her condition as no one has been updating this page. Anyway, he was nice enough to get back to me and stated that Susan is still in the ICU. The only reason she is still there is because can move around much yet on her own and is week. She is a little better. I think I may drive to New Jersey to visit her. I never met her, or had the chance to speak to her on the phone but we have been in contact over the last year. She was wonderful support to me after my wife died last year. God bless you.

Michael I. 21 years, 11 months ago

Has anyone heard any news on Susan, and how she is doing? What happened to her angel Paula? Why no updates?

Michael I. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hello all, I have been in contact with Susan prior to surgery through the internet and she called me the night before surgery and unfortunately I was unable to get to the phone in time. I was a little nervous as there have been no update to her page here and I decided to do some investigative work myself as I am worried about her (my story is at I called the hospital today snd they told me she is still in the hospital, in the SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Let's all say a prayer for her that she gets better quickly and is home with her family. Does Susan have an angel?

Marie Y. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Susan Congrats!!! you made it to the other side...I wish you a speedy recovery... hugssssssssss

Cathy W. 21 years, 11 months ago

I wanted to stop in and say that I hope your surgery went well, and that you are up and out and about real soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Cathy Whitmer

klynn90 21 years, 11 months ago

Susan, I pray that your surgery went well today. May God watch over you and may you have a quick recovery.
About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2001
Member Since
