Mary H. 22 years, 7 months ago

sheila hon you know you have my prayers Lord we lift Sheila up to you may you hold he in your hand and may her problem be soved this day in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen mary

Sheila K. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hello to all. I go for my second endoscope tomorrow. I pray they can open up the stoma opening this time. If not, then I may be heading for surgery. Rats! I sure could use all the prayers I can get. God Bless you all!

Sheila K. 22 years, 7 months ago

November 7th, 2001 - I had my 3 week check up with Dr. Needleman today. I have lost 25 pounds! He wants to do a scope on me to make sure I don't have strictures. Cross your fingers. I have had a bad time the past few days with being hungry and then, when I eat, it hurts. So he wants to double check everything. I really like him. He listens to you.Wish me luck! May God Bless all of you!

Mary H. 22 years, 8 months ago

hi all just wanted to let everyone know that i talked to Sheila today and she sounds sooo gooood. i am very glad to report that she is resting today eating pretty good and is in great spirits.after 9 days and i think she is very happy that she had this surgery. so for those waiting to have it done like me hang in there it will happen mary

GallopingAngels 22 years, 8 months ago

Sheila! 14lbs? Hurray!! You sound so happy!!! Congrats to you!! I can't wait to be a big looser like you!!!! Keep it up girl!! God Bless! Carol

Sheila K. 22 years, 8 months ago

Good day to you all! I am 8 days post op now and feeling pretty darn good. I am finding I have a tendancy to over due it though. I had an appointment with my doctor today for my monthly diabetes check. Now.......may we have a drumroll please?..........I have lost a whopping 14 pounds since October 16th. I can't believe it! It's almost scary how quick it has come off. Gosh, I was worried that i was over eating! LOL . For all of you .....many Blessings and prayers. I am so thankful to have been able to have the surgery and have this site and the wonderful people here.

sharonbgood 22 years, 8 months ago

You are on the way to your new life!!! I am sure this will be the best decision you could make for yourself. I'm coming up right behind you on November 1st, thank you for paving the way for me. Good luck on this major milestone in your journey and G-d Bless!!! Shay C

Sheila K. 22 years, 8 months ago

Hello to all! I got home this afternoon from the hospital after a fine lunch of soup and applesauce. Thanks so much for the well wishes and the prayers. It was as rough as I expected. I do not tolerate anaestsia well and spent the rest of the day getting sick. The next day was much better. I did not have to use the "button" too much and was in and out of bed by myself. I started passing gas Wednesday night ( I know,sounds gross, but it is important!) The weird thing is, I DO have an appetite. I guess most people do not. I did find that decaf coffee does not taste so good anymore :(. Hubby bought me some Glucerna, which is rather tasty. Well, I am off for now..will post again soon! BTW, I did go from 256 to 247 as of yesterday. I know it may only be fluid, but hey, I'll take it . Hugs - Sheila

Mary H. 22 years, 8 months ago

GOOD NEWS !!!!!!!! Just spoke to Sheila at the hospital she is doing really well if lunch stays down alright she will be on her way home, she is looking foward to having a shower they are having some proplem with the water at her hospital so she wants to get home and have a nice shower. I'm really glad that she did so well keep praying for a good recovery and it has been a pleasure being her angel she sounds like a very nice lady ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))

pam k. S. 22 years, 8 months ago

Sheila, Congratulation on the great recovery! You are on your way now! Look out losers, here she comes! LOL Keep up the good job! Take Care! Pam
About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 20, 2000
Member Since
