kylakae 22 years, 2 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="95" height="116"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#9900FF">Happy re-Birthday, Stephanie! Its been two years since your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy. Please stop by and update your profile so we'll know how you are doing two years post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

C S. 24 years, 2 months ago

Hi Stephanie, just want to wish you the best of luck on your upcoming surgery. I am to far away to be an angel. Go on the message board and ask for one. Some one close by will volunteer to post for you. Good luck on a speedy recovery.

kimberly1224 24 years, 3 months ago

Hi Stephanie! Just wanted to say hello, we have the same surgery date! That kind of makes us surgery sisters! LOL... Best of luck to you! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
About Me
Berwick, Pa
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 1999
Member Since
