Robert Rutledge

"My first impression of Dr. Rutledge was at my initial consultation. He is friendly and very aware of the problems his obese patients face. He tries hard to put his patients at ease. Dr. Rutledge shows a video of the Mini Gastric Bypass, an innovative laparoscopic technique that he has developed. He is very open and honest about this procedure. He describes how it is different from the RNY and why he feels it is better. He discusses openly the possibility of surgical risks and complications. Preops are given the opportunity to ask questions in a group forum. He also sees each person individually to address any unique or confidential concerns. The results of his post-op patients are impressive. He has a tremendous satisfaction rating amongst his patients. Dr. Rutledge requires each patient to sign a letter committing to ongoing follow-up, careful monitoring of health, regular exercise, etc. He has a local support group that meets at Durham Regional Hospital (Durham, NC) once a month for pre-ops, post-ops and those considering surgery. He has performed over 270 laparoscopic gastric bypasses. Because of the laparoscopic approach, the majority of his patients stay in the hospital for only 2 nights. He has a comprehensive website ( and an online support group ([email protected]) "
About Me
Sep 10, 1999
Member Since
