heather0731 21 years, 2 months ago

Two years!!!! Wow! Can you believe it??? My life has changed so much and I've loved every second of this journey. I hope that on this, your two year anniversary, that you are enjoying your new life as much as I am. Take care.

scooby D. 22 years, 2 months ago

Happy re-birthday congrats on a year well done. Keep up the good work!!!!!!Tonia

heather0731 22 years, 2 months ago

Happy One Year Anniversary to you! It's my One Year Anniversary today too and I just wanted to send you my best wishes and hopes that your year has been as wonderful as mine has been! Take care!

Cinna G. 22 years, 2 months ago

Happy ONE YEAR Anniversary to You! I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please don’t forget to go to your profile to update it every so often. It is so important for us post-ops to keep updating. The story of your journey just may inspire someone else to seek wls for a healthier and happier life. Have a great day today.

gobo T. 23 years, 1 month ago

Well, today was a better one than yesterday Cynthia’s sister received an early morning call from Cynthia’s husband as he was on his way to work. He works 2 jobs. He was very upset that they still did not have much information on Cynthia and asked that her son and her sister find out as much as they could today, or set up a time to talk to the doctors and see what the heck is going on. When her sister and son arrived at the hospital, they were happy to see that Cynthia was more alert than last night and her speech was much improved. She still was quite sleepy but just seemed much better in general. She told them that Dr. Deviny was in to see her earlier this morning and that she would be having a contrast test done later on today to find out where if at all there was a leakage. Gayle Hand came in to see Cynthia and visit with them. Cynthia’s sister says that seeing Gayle was like seeing an angel walk in the room; they were so happy to see her and she was so informative. Yea Gayle! Thanks for being a surrogate angel. You’re the best! :-) Cynthia had the Contrast test done; it took almost 3 hours and she was hurting and very upset by the time she got back to her room. Her blood pressure at that time was 199/103. They were talking about giving her a patch (cannot remember the name now) to bring it down. That was not necessary as it came down on its own after she was settled. Dr. Deviny returned about 5:00 P.M. and sat down and answered some questions for Cynthia and her family. H e said that the test showed a small leakage at the very top of her stomach, but that it was not going anywhere. [How can a leak ‘not go anywhere'?] The common channel that at first had been at 90 was now 80, which pleased Cynthia, as that is what she wanted all along. This reduction in size is a result of the intestine portion that died and was subsequently removed in the second surgery. Her white blood count is 19000 which he said still shows that there is an infection and they will have to find it. She will have another CT scan on the 27th and possible wound closure on the 27th; it will depend on the tests. Dr. Deviny said she might have to remain open for a year with a skin graft on her stomach, he is not sure at this time. She will have the Ng tube removed tomorrow morning and will be able to have Popsicle’s, a treat she has been requesting for a week. So, all in all, it was a much better day. I’ve been copying and sending the posts you all have made to Cynthia’s sister. Each day, she reads every one to Cynthia. Cynthia and her sister both thank each and every one of you. Your good wishes really do encourage our dear Cynthia. Her sister says that Cynthia is so lucky to belong to such a wonderful support group. She also says that she doesn’t know what Cynthia would do without us. Our dear Cynthia may have originated the expression that "angel hover ever near" but in this case, our notes of support are the angels hovering ever near Cynthia. We are the wind beneath her wings. May she soar! gobo "Sometimes We Never Know How We Influence the Lives of Others, Yet We Touch Those Lives Just the Same"

Lyn C. 23 years, 1 month ago

Cynthia..I'm so sorry gor the extra pain and problems you are having..You will be in my prayers for a safe and speedy recovery.

gobo T. 23 years, 1 month ago

Cynthia Is Back In The HOSPITAL! Well folks, Cynthia has gone back in the hospital. You may recall that she was having unusual pain and it wasn’t being managed well. In fact, the doc’s kept asking her why she was hurting so badly. It perturbed her that they kept looking to her to solve the pain problem. She kept saying to me, "they’re the doctors, they should be telling me why I’m in so much pain; not expecting me to tell them." That’s sweet but feisty Cynthia. ;-) Cynthia went home on a Tuesday. I spoke to her on that day and I spoke to her again on Thursday. She sounded good except for the fact that the pain was persistent. Well, Thursday night (in the middle of the night) Cynthia’s sister awoke to discover Cynthia desperately trying to get her asthma medicine. She said she was having trouble breathing. Finally, Cynthia asked her sister to open the door because she was having so much trouble breathing. At that point, Gloria woke Cynthia’s husband. Together, they decided that Cynthia should go to the emergency room. Cynthia’s husband called PacificCare six times but the doctor on call never bothered to call them to find out why they were trying to page him. Can you beat that? Here in the midst of an emergent medical need, the family is worried that benefits will get denied because they didn’t get pre-approval. Boy, that makes me mad the way managed care is so haphazard and folks think that maybe they shouldn’t go to the emergency room. So, Cynthia was taken (despite not hearing from her PCP) to South West Washington Hospital. They do not do bariatric surgery there so they didn’t know what to do with her. I believe they may have medicated her for pain though and put her on a respirator. The next morning, she was transferred by ambulance to the emergency room at OHSU. Finally, they readmitted her. Cynthia told them the pain (which at one time was only upon sitting up and swallowing) was now persistent and on her side and her neck. They tried to pass the whole thing off as not being related to her surgery. I think the attitude was, "we never touched your side or your neck. We didn’t do it". However, by Friday night the situation was untenable. She was zonked out on morphine; her blood pressure had dropped to 70 over 34; and she was intubated. So, OHSU took her back into surgery and guess what? Part of her intestines had atrophied and peritonitis had set in. So they removed that portion and closed her back up. Apparently, they also rapped her intestine in netting for some reason, but I don't recall what the reason was. Fortunately, she STILL has the DS/Switch. I didn’t get an exact location of this problem but of course, it was in conjunction with the WLS. I am told that Cynthia is really out of it. She’s conscious but her awake time is very limited. I won’t be talking to her directly for a few days or however long she needs to feel strong enough. However, what she needs from us more than anything are our prayers. Please join me in praying for a speedy recovery for one of the sweetest angels alive! Gobo "Sometimes We Never Know How We Influence the Lives of Others, Yet We Touch Those Lives Just the Same"

JEANINE O. 23 years, 2 months ago


April B. 23 years, 2 months ago

Cindy, I know its not funny now, but I had my first surgery and alittle old man wandered into my room while my husband was out and sat down and asked if I minded if he read my newspaper, I was so drugged, I couldn''t even ring for the nurse. I thought he was going to rape me or something because he went in my bathroom and urinated with the door open. Anyway when the nurse came in, Iwas really freaked. I din't know he was just old and confused. All I could thnk of was how sore I was and I thought he would lay on toop of me. LOL

gobo T. 23 years, 2 months ago

EASTER UPDATE Happy Easter Friends! Cynthia was up at 6 AM this morning to watch the Easter sunrise. She also had her EPIDURAL taken out this morning and is now on OXYCODONE for pain. Her FEVER was 101.4 degrees yesterday. Today it’s down about 1 degree; it’s hovering somewhere above 100. One of the doc’s thinks it’s probably CELLULITIS, or inflammation of something or rather. ;-} Cynthia currently has a ‘tight feeling’ in her abdomen. She’s mentioned it to the doc’s. She doesn’t think she’ll be going home anytime soon due to her fever. Remember the 92 year old roommate that Cynthia originally had? Well, it seems the poor dear lost touch with reality. Her granddaughter claims it had never happened before. The woman spent some time trying to ‘smooth’ out her sheets. When asked what she was doing, she said she was trying to "fold the aluminum foil". A nurse assured her that her sheets were not aluminum foil but the old lady replied, "you can’t fool me! I KNOW this is aluminum foil. I need to get it around the turkey so I can put it in the oven." Go figure! Since the nurses were trying to ‘calm’ the lady down and get her to sleep (this was 11 PM), the old lady figured they were ‘bad’ people and out to get her. Cynthia suffered through this till 7 AM. The few times Cynthia was able to fall asleep, her slumber would suddenly be shattered by the woman screaming for someone to come and help her. Eventually, she decided that Cynthia was on the nurses’ side which made Cynthia ‘the enemy’ as well. The old lady was convinced that the nursing unit was really her home and that all the nurses, patients, doctors, and others were messing up her home. She demanded non-stop to be allowed to go check the living room in order to make sure no one had stolen anything. This went on till (I think) early afternoon; at which time Cynthia told her own nurse, "I’m about ready to go over there and baste that woman and put her in the oven myself". The solution was that they put Cynthia in a private room and gave the old lady a roommate of similar mental state. They have an aide sitting in the room with the two elderly ladies 24/7. Whew, what a job ;- { . That’s all for today. I’ll check in tomorrow
About Me
Vancouver, WA
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2000
Member Since
