Leo Murphy

"I first had the chance to go to one of his lectures seminar in Riverside, CA. Dr. Leo J. Murphy will tell you like it is. At my consultation he was straight and to the point. I felt comfortable with him right away, he is a likable person. I liked the fact that he said that it isn't my fault that I am morbidly obese, that it is a disease. Dr. stresses the importance of getting my physical body (inside and out) ready for surgery. He also says that I should start the pre-op program (vitamins, protein, and join a gym now) to get me ready for surgery. This will help me to not have problems during or after surgery. I appreciate that he treated me like an adult, informed me of all the facts regarding gastric bypass surgery, the risks, the changes I will go through, aftercare, short-term and long-term. Overall, Dr. Leo Murphy IS the surgeon for me, he is everything I want in a qualified, competent, and has a good bedside manner. I would highly recommend him. "
About Me
San Jacinto, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2002
Member Since
