kylakae 21 years ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Adriane! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

j-bird333 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi, Adriane! I just had to check out your profile...very cute! I like the penguins & the snow! Also, congrats on a 66 1/2 lb. loss in 4 mos!!! That is so awesome!!! Keep up the good work! Jamie in Deltona =0)

Adriane T. 21 years, 12 months ago

6/20/02 Adriane had surgery yesterday morning. She was the first one in. I (her husband) received the call from the surgery room that she was asleep and the preparing to begin the surgery at 7:45 am. At 8:15 her doctor came out and said that everything went perfectly, and they are preparing her to go into recovery. She went into recovery at 9:07, and stayed there until a room opened up at noon. She doesn't recall the recovery at all. Her first memory after surgery is waking up in the room. She wasn't very coherent most of the day, and slept most of the time. She was able to get up out of bed and into a chair (which she says is alot more comfortable then the bed) at about 3:00 in the afternoon. Her biggest "voiced" complaint was that her throat hurt, and the doctor was able to give her throat losenges which helped moderately. She was able to get up twice and walk around the nurses station (about 150 feet) on two separate times by the end of the day. Today, she is more alert and able to go to the bathroom by herself, although she is not able to wipe very well. There is very limited use of the abdominal muscles. Sitting up is the most difficult and painful activity. The stomach tube is set on intermediate, so it only pumps for about 5 seconds and stops for about 10 seconds. It has collected 200-ml of bloody secretions after 36 hours. Overall she is doing very well, and is very mobile. She did say that she doesn't regret it and the pain is worse then the C-section. This is what my hubby tried to post on the days following my surgery but it only showed on my profile. So here it is too.

Adriane T. 21 years, 12 months ago

Adriane T. 21 years, 12 months ago

Just let you know i made it home today!!!! Yeah No More hospital!!!!! My surgery went well but it was much more painful than I expected but am doing better now. Thanks to all of you who posted to my page and wished me well. Without the knowledge I have learned on this site I prolly would have never had surgery. So thanks to you all.....Adriane 5 days post op

Hellcatmama 22 years ago

Hope all went well with your surgery! I wish you Godspeed on your recovery! Peace~~~

j-bird333 22 years ago

Congrats on the surgery yesterday, Adriane! Hope all went well & you have a quick & pain-free recovery! Keep us updated when you feel up to it! BTW, I'm also in Deltona!!! Take care... ;-)

Di B. 22 years ago

<b>Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Soon you will walk along the other side :-) I wish you a quick and painless recovery! Keep us posted!! ~Diane~</b>

Daisy H. 22 years ago

Hope your surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery. Dr. Overcash did my surgery May 21,2002 and I have had no problems.

shakeyourweight 22 years ago

Lets all give Adriane lots of cheers, she is on the way to the lossing side as of Wednesday 6-19-02... I am going to go and visit her on Friday. Printing her card so give her lots of love and prayers and post to her card!!! Adriane... I am praying for a speedy recovery and you will do fine, make sure you are up walking around so Dr. Overcash will get'cha!!! walk or rock girly. Go get your dream girl, let all your angels amp around will be the bomb!!! Celeste Momin ~ 55 pounds gone 4 ever ~ Post op 6 weeks
About Me
Deltona, Fl
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2002
Member Since
