Kate G. 21 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations on moving to the losing side! I hope you're comfortable and will soon be on the mend. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get out of the hospital!

KathieInHawaii 21 years, 6 months ago

<b>BEAMING Aloha Angel Reporting!!!</b> I just got off the phone with my sweet angelette, <b>Roni</b>!! She is resting comfortably in her room. Surgery went very well!!! She sounded a bit tired and her thoat a little scratchy but that is to be expected!! RONI.. YOU DID IT!!!! WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I love you hon!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii).. Open RNY / 08-07-02 Down 93 Pounds!!!

KathieInHawaii 21 years, 6 months ago

<b>Ecstatic ALOHA Angel Flying In!!!!!</b> I called the hospital about an hour ago and spoke with the O.R. staff!! Roni's surgery began at approximately 10:15 a.m. PST and was scheduled to last for 2 hours. They said that she was doing great so far and that she will be moved to her room as soon as she gets out of recovery! I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!!! She has gone through so much to have this surgery and it is almost over!! WOO HOOO!!!!! As I write this, she should be going into the recovery room. I will provide another update shortly. RONI.. YOU DID IT HON!!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii).... Open RNY / 08-07-02 Down 93 pounds!!!!

Pam C. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi! I wish you the best of luck on your procedure. I pray everything goes 110% your way. I have my procedure tomorrow (11/25) as well; open DS! See you on the other side - Bright Blessings!!

Joan Daigle A. 21 years, 7 months ago

Congrats on your start to your new life!! I am not far post so we are starting this journey and we have plenty of company!! My thoughts will be with you!!

Poco .. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi Roni, Congratulations on your surgery! Welcome to the other side. Hope your feeling good.

Suzy C. 21 years, 7 months ago

Veronica, I am really sorry to hear your surgery was delayed because of this infection, but it's lucky that they caught it when they did. I am praying hard for you and hoping you will get the greenlight to have the surgery next week! Try to stay calm and know that many people are pulling for you, sweetie.

ChickpeaBree I. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hey roni! you're almost there, I know you've got nerves flying high right now, just try to find a bit of quiet time for yourself! Do something like get a pedicure..or manicure..something sweet just for YOU! **HUGS** Bree

Veronica M. 21 years, 7 months ago

I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and prayers... I believe that everything happens for a reason... I'm just glad they found the infection when they did!!! I'm still in high spirits.. although it was a little hard to hear at first.. if you can believe it the airline wants to charge me about $150 to change my ticket even though I have a doctors note on what's going on... I do have a place to stay after the surgery so I wont be in a hotel all alone.. thanks Ester and Kathy Souls... Ester is the mother of someone in my support group in Hawaii.. talk about a small world!! Thanks again for everything!!!

Leigh Anne C. 21 years, 7 months ago

Roni--I'm praying that your blood work will look wonderful so you can proceed with your surgery. Don't get discouraged lots of people are praying for you.
About Me
Kailua, HI
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2002
Member Since
