Roxanne Davenport

" Well I had to change my doctor to Dr Davenport I just met her and she is great all though I have already had my surgery and Dr. lucktong did it I could no longer see him we just had gotten off on the wrong foot I guess you could say after surgery but Dr. Davenport is great I am so glad she took me on She explained lots of the things to me and for that I love her she said that I could always call her and that there are no stupid questiong being only 6 weeks post op I still am having some problems but I am sure glad to have her"

Thomas Sarvey

"Dr.Sarvey is a wonderful man and I would recommend him to anyone He is very supportive and wrote me a suitability letter for me to have the WLS surgery Sherl his secretary I think the world of her also she is helpful in any means nessary"

Gregory Alouf

"Well he has been my PCP for a long time and I don't think of him just as my doctor but also a friend, He is always there to answer any of my questions and explain them throughly I also think of him as a big support..."

Kay Clatterbuck

"Mrs, Clatterbuck is also a leader at our group she is simply wonderful and I know that if I have any questions I can call her and this is a good thing cause my surgery is 03/31/03 and I know in my heart I will end up calling her to make sure I dont do anything wrong I am planning on putting fourth110% and I know I will need her and she says no problem just call me,, and Kay I will be LOL"
About Me
Roanoke area, Va
Feb 18, 2003
Member Since
