Christopher Dyas

"My first impression of him was he was serious about this surgery. I had 2 pages of questions for him. He answered all of them in my first visit. He did want to know what my husband thought about this decision I've made and why he was not there on my visit. I explained why my daughter was there and he was ok with the reason. My husband was there on the second visit and we have been to my first support meeting together. I liked Dr. Dyas very much and I think he shoots you straight and he says he is chicken about taking any unnessary risks and I like that. As far as his office staff, they have been very nice and anytime I have needed anything answered or done they have been right on top of it. As for what future patients need to know about Dr. Dyas is that he is good at what he does, but he wants you to know how important this surgery is and there are risks involved. Make sure you know what you want and go for it. As for the aftercare, he was very serious in telling me that if I listen and do what he says then this can and will alot smoother and it's most important that a aftercare program is a must as far as he is concern and I agree with him totally. Dr. Dyas went over all the risks of surgery in general and then went back over the risks of this type of surgery. I would rate Dr, Dyas so far as excellent and I will be happy to keep you informed as I go along with my new life and journey. As far as which is better, surgial competence or bedside manner I would say both are most inportant because everyone wants the best doctor to take care of them but bedside manner is so important to feel confortable and save phyically and menatally, Thank you 11/7/04"
About Me
Butler, AL
Oct 13, 2004
Member Since
