johanna M. 24 years, 2 months ago

i just noticed that we spelled our last name the same tell me a little about yourself, are you of scottish decent. i am having surgery 4-12-00, but i will get back with you soon

TERRY L. 24 years, 2 months ago

Dearest Dearest Alex. Just talked to Shar in chat and I was very concerned and upset that You, who I consider one of the Lord's more gentle giants, is still in the hospital. Please know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and in my daily healing prayers. I will light a blessed candle for you daily until I see you in the chat room and you tell me you are okay. I will pray to the Lord Almighty to keep you in his loving thoughts, to heal you and send you home to the loving arms of your wife and family, and to please guide your most precious Guardian Angel in keeping you safe always. Please remember you have some very loving and supportive friends who are waiting for you to come out to play soon. Love to you and your family dear heart....

Shar /. 24 years, 2 months ago

Alex - I pulled this message to you off the message board...."hi alex m., im praying you will be home & dancing with your wife soon , im in the middle of paper work trying to have RYN, i wish my surgery was over, soon i hope :O) you are in my prayers alex for a speedy recovery, -- jeannie odeay"

Shar /. 24 years, 2 months ago

Finally got to talk to our sweet sweet Alex! What a trooper! Alex had surgery 3/29. At the time of surgery he was 640lbs. As of today, Alex has lost 44 lbs. in 9 days! He is now weighing in at 596lbs! Alex has needed to stay in the hospital because he has a leak where his pouch is. Basically, when they started giving him fluids by mouth, they could see too much fluid was coming from his JP drain. So... they have Alex back on IV only - nothing by mouth to see if the leak will seal by itself. Alex has a feeling the leak will have to be re-operated on. The nurses are also keeping a close eye on part of his incision - hoping it heals okay. As for pain, Alex is still using his PCA pump and is very comfortable. He got his catheter out about 5 days ago and is up walking several times a day. He is not feeling hungry at all but has a dry mouth. Alex is a diabetic - so he gets "harpooned" (as he calls it) all day long between insulin shots, heprin shots, and the blood draws. He is getting BP medication through his IV since he can have nothing by mouth. They have him on a heart monitor to watch his BP. He has breathing treatments each day to keep his lungs clear. After all this - our sweet Alex is positive and loving. He told me that he is doing great and I believed him from the tone in his voice. He said that even with all that is going on... he would do this again!!!! I'd encourage you all to leave Alex a note on his surgery page since he won't get to read it if left on the message board. Also, Alex will be going into a rehabilitation/nursing facility after he gets out of the hospital so that they are able to keep a good eye on his health. I will update all of you every few days! Please pray for this wonderful man. Love,

Shar /. 24 years, 2 months ago

Well - some angel I am... I just talked to Alex and he is still in the hospital! I thought he was at home and was waiting to see him in chat. I was a little worried when I knew Alex hadn't been up to walk yet, several days after his surgery and was wondering how he would go home? His wife and I couldn't figure it out. Alex was having a breathing treatment when I called - so I will update in awhile when I can talk to him. Alex had surgery 3/29! I am of course, a titch upset here... please anyone that would leave a message for Alex - I know he'd really appreciate it. He is such a nice man.

Karla H. 24 years, 2 months ago

Hope things are going well...I'll be making that trip on Friday, April 7 with Dr. Provost. See you on the other side.

Shar /. 24 years, 2 months ago

Talked to Alex and his wife today... and since his surgery on Wednesday, he has done really well. His NG tube is out and he is drinking 2oz. per hour now successfully. He loves his "Bari-air" bed - very comfortable... and is off his morphine pump and using oral medication for pain. His pain has not been a problem as he has tolerated it very well. His is still taking breathing treatments and pressure-booties so he won't get blood clots. The doctor's have yet to get him up much to walk around, so that will probably start tomorrow. He was in good spirits and thanks all who have kept him in mind. Love,

Shar /. 24 years, 2 months ago

Talked to Alex after his breathing treatment for his lungs, and he is doing really well! He is using his morphine pump, is receiving oxygen, has an NG tube and one drain. He is thrilled not to have needed assistance breathing. He stood up once this morning and has no pain except his incision. Tomorrow Alex's NG tube comes out, and he will be off oxygen. He will also start drinking water tomorrow. He hopes that his sleep apnea will improve once he starts loosing weight. He will stay at the hospital 5-6 days and will go hope with his wife and son to help him. He highly recommends the bariatric air beds for comfort. Thanks to all who sent prayers and well wishes to Alex.

kimberly1224 24 years, 2 months ago

Hi Alex! Congratulations and hope you are feeling GREAT soon! You are in my thoughts and prayers...

Bart G. 24 years, 2 months ago

Alexander, I just found out about your surgery in the chat room, and I wanted to pass on my best wishes and hopes that everything goes well for you!
About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2000
Member Since
