Carlos Ferrari

"Dr. Ferrari was not at all waht I expected, from all the other profiles I pictured a shy man that wouldn't talk. Just the opposite, he was very informative answered all my questions and honestly I must add. He was even a bit on the funny side we laughed out loud twice and he was full of smiles. I like that. He also sent me for additional testing (like everyone else) but he explained all the tests to me too. I just felt really good when I left his office. The staff at NeWeigh are all patients of his too. Which meant they were all in my shoes at one time so they were so friendly. The office was even nice, not like a waiting room more like a living room. All of this means nothing when it comes to my actual surgery but for now this is all I have to base my opinions on, when I know more relevant stuff I will be sure to add it here."
About Me
Willis, Tx
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2002
Member Since
